5 || Minions

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I shifted a vine from my view, seeing a soldier I didn't recognize from the back standing with their back to me. I rolled out silently against the dirt ground.

Getting myself into a crouch before rising up with an outstretched hand.

I winced as my hand brushed against the fabric of their gear.

Within thoughts process they turned towards me, once again expecting someone taller.

I recognized the Mohawk almost instantly.

I stepped back, dodging the hit that would've missed regardless. I pushed off the ground with my heel and leapt at him.

I knocked him off his feet, forgetting we were on a slope we took air time. landing in a tangle of limbs but we didn't stop, fighting for the cards as we rolled endlessly down the hill.

Grunts came from us both as we fought over dominance. His grip would definitely leave bruises.

We were rolling down violently, bumping against the ground after small gaps of air time. We came to a stop but yet we kept fighting.

I managed to get his card, holding it up with a breathless 'ha' I panted loudly. Looking down at his scowling face while I sat on top of his torso.

His head fell back with a loud agitated grunt before he pushed me off of him.

Unbothered I tucked the card away into my vest but still accessible to those wanting to fight for it. I held my hand out to him after standing.

He ignored it, getting up himself. I shrugged and started back up the hill.

"Rough tumble, huh?" I said trying to make small talk. Replied with a grunt.

I turned around, walking backwards up the slope to ease my calves slightly. "Did you have any minions?"

He handed me three cards and I looked around "where are they?"

"Back at point" He muttered.

"Where's that?" I asked tucking away the other cards. He kept silent but went before me, leading the way.


I offered a smile as I entered the small shack Soap had led me too.

Rolled eyes and grumbles greeted me, one even glaring at Soap as if it was his fault getting caught.

They had a snug hideout, a shed outback covered in weeds and covered by large trees.

"I guess we'll just hang out here and keep quiet" I said, more as an order than suggestion.

I got no replies and one even shuffled away from me as i sat down. I'd be on the verge of crying right now if I weren't so fed up.

"Okay what the fuck?" They all looked over at me. "What's the fucking problem with me??" I growled, frustration evident in my tone.

They all glanced at each other before ultimately ignoring me.

"Hello??" I said waving my hand about. "Somebody fucking tell me."

"We already fucking have" Soap growled back. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared.

"No. One. Wants. You. Here." He spoke to me like I was a child, angering me more.

"Get up - all of yous" I spat standing up. They groaned but did as told, I was their card holder after all.

If this wasn't going to be an enjoyable time for me then I'd do what I could to make it them for them.

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