18 || Translator

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"Dex? Something you found" he says sitting up.

I nod, giving him a look of concern. I move the folders to tuck under one arm as I gently clear space for them on his desk. He seems to pick up on my urgency and sweeps up piles, throwing them into a holder.

I walk around to his side of the desk and lay the papers down. My highlighting and marks clear on the coded sheets. Marked German words and my own replies in the language, few random figures and equations from my deciphering.

I spread the papers out, identifying what I believe are the vital ones instantly with my tabs singling them out.

"Dex? What is it?" He mumbles, looking at me. I've figured the multiple codes; they've translated them through others to create their own type of language to communicate in.

All I need now is to translate and extract it. My brain is whizzing, Ghosts voice is only distracting me as I push papers around.

A swipe a piece over another and something catches my eye. Barely able to identify what I just seen, I snatch the paper back up and place it beside the other.

I pause, realizing that they connect together, not only do they form small sections but together there's a bigger picture. My hand hovers as my eyes frantically search the rest, now that I've seen it my brain picks out the rest with ease.

This throws everything I'd just worked on, off track by a smudge meaning there's something else underneath.

"Dex?" I hear Ghost ask, staring at my frozen stance. Just concentrating, this is hurting my brain and I'm barely able to keep aware of everything I'm seeing.

I start to gather them up "I need to sit for these" I mumble, focused solely on the work in front of me.

"Sit" I hear him say, for the first time in minutes I look at him seeing he'd stood up. I didn't pause to think, too much in a hurry to figure this out.

I sit down, leaning over as I place the papers strategically. I lean back, skimming the forms before standing up. "I'll be right back" I say, my voice more of a drone than I expected.

I leave the office and find that he's following me, stopping at Prices office and entering leaving me to myself as I reach my space. I gather the stationary quickly from my desk, taking it back to Ghosts office and dropping it.

I'm half intrigued by this transcript. For someone to take such good and careful care of the language forms curiosity in my chest and I can tell that something big in hidden underneath.

I sit back down. Pulling lids from the markers and highlighters, dragging them across papers and coding them within my other labels. I look up as Ghost enters the office and Price follows behind him.

I stand back up, my body feels on auto pilot, I've identified by task, and I'm determined to finish this. My eagerness to decipher the code eats at me. "I need my thing" I fumble over my words, walking past them.

I stride into my office, grabbing the sticky notes from the desk and piling them on top of one another. I leave the room, my focus momentarily blocked as I bump into Soap and beside him Gaz. "Dex, your early" Soap laughs.

I give him a halfhearted mumble, I myself not even sure what I was attempting to say. I duck past him and Gaz, walking back to Ghosts office while I run the codes through my brain. I notice that Keegan is now standing by Price and Ghost.

No time to think about it, I sit down. Placing the notes around on the picked apart papers in the corresponding places. It's forms of code that I've modified and adapted to fitting what I'm decoding.

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