47 - Secrecy

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I shift in my sleep as my mind comes conscious. My eyes flutter open, turning back in a small squint due to the sun coming down from the skylights. With a moment to adjust I sit up, shuffling back against the pillows as I rub my eyes.

I down in front of me, seeing that I was under the blankets I'd put on Ghost last night. Upon the thought I remembered Ghost and looked beside me, only to find he wasn't there. My eyes shifted to the bathroom door that was open, indicating he wasn't there either.

I got out of bed slowly, stretching my limbs with a yawn. I took advantage of the empty room and got myself dressed quickly, grabbing the things at the top of my suitcase. 

Once I was fully awake, I opened my bedroom door, greeted by the sounds of life as I made my way down. I stood on the last step, greeting my family and Mrs. Wallace with Goodmorning's while leaning on the banister. 

"Wo ist Ghost?" I ask looking around.
(Where is Ghost?)

"Ich glaube, ich habe ihn außerhalb der Liebe gesehen" My father says from the kitchen.
(I think I saw him outside love)

I smile and nod my head in a quick thanks as I make a beeline for the backdoors. I slide them across and see Ghost at the far end of the backyard, back to me as him and Vinnie seem to be in conversation. 

I narrow my eyes, quietly making my way over to them. Seeing how far I can get. As their voices come into hearing range, I find their words hushed, talking lowly to each other. Ghost as usual senses my presence. 

"Morning Dex" he says without turning around, Vinnie turns himself to confirm Ghosts words. I scowl at him despite myself, a natural reaction to seeing him. He returns the glare as I fold my arms.

"Talking again?" I say, a slight annoyed undertone to my voice at their secrecy. Ghost hums with a nod, turning to face me finally with a dead look in his eyes. I glance at Vinnie who looks past me before walking off without a word.

I stare at Ghost for a second longer before he speaks. "Sleep well?" he asks, seeming as if nothing's wrong. 

I give him a nod but nothing more and he shrugs carelessly. "What were you talking about?" I ask, putting the question out there. 

"Nothing" he says simply.

I watch his eyes for a moment unsure as to why, he never lets his emotions show. I sigh and run a hand through my hair before looking back at the house. I head back across the grass, hearing him behind me a second later.

As I enter Hugo comes running across to me, holding up a second controller. "Mario Kart Mausi?" he asks with a smile, I give him a small squeeze around his shoulders and smile. 

"Did you know that Ghost actually loves mario kart" I say with a grin while dropping my voice to a whisper. "He thinks he's the best". 

Hugo ducks past me with an excited smile, passing an confused Ghost a controller. "What, what is this?" he mutters. 

"Mario Kart" Hugo says jumping onto the couch as he starts on selecting the requirements on the screen. 

"Hugo-Schuhe von der Couch" my mother scolds.
(Hugo shoes off the couch)

He drops down, sitting while he focuses on the tv. "Go on" I urge Ghost, giving a small push on his back towards the couch. He gives me a sharp glare and I move my hand as he hesitantly takes a seat. 

I glance at Sawyer at the counter and smile, passing across towards him. "Any clue what Ghost and Vinnie been talking about?" I ask, leaning against the counter as my mother offers me breakfast. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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