39 || Winner

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"Soap .. now" Ghosts gruff voices follows through.

The sun reflects lenses that block most my view unless I squint. The helicopter hovers high above us just a silhouette. 

My eyes shift to Keegan.

He drops as does my heart, right into the pit of my stomach. 

But he does not fall, instead he grabs me.

"I've got her" he says with a more than relived voice. My body in its weird phase of shock can only stare back at him. 

"I've got you" he soothes, his grip only tightening. 

He grunts, lifting one hand to my upper arm and slowly but surely brings me closer to him as we sway in the air. "Help me out here Dex" He grunts with a breathy chuckle.

I grab onto his vest with one hand, looping my arm through to the other side just to ensure safety. He tugs my arm, pulling me up the final bit and wrapping it around his neck while his other arm wraps around me.

His grip doesn't falter. I cling to him, knowing damn well my life literally depends on it. My eyes pass over his shoulder and up at the helicopter. 

Ghost hangs by the landing ski with one arm, the harness Keegan uses is wrapped around his other arm.

Soap swings in a harness from the other side of the helicopter that's on a slight tilt. "Heres ... the, .. plan" Ghost grunts over the comms.

"Soap .. you go get Dex from ... Keegan; Gaz .. swing him' ... I'm going to pull you up Keegan ... soap .." He grunts and I watch as me and Keegan lift slightly up while Ghost grabs the landing ski with the arm that holds us, locking it over.

"Pull ... them up, when soap .. clears" he says clearly fighting. The plan is already in action before Ghosts finishes and I see Soap, getting closer on his harness, crossing over the underside of the helicopter.

"You're gonna need to jump to me Dex ... I can't reach you" Soap says over the comms, just out of reach from me and Keegan. 

I guess my expression gives me away. "Dex .. Ghost can't keep holding you both, we can't reach him on the landing ski ... you can do it" he says waving his hand slightly. 

"You gotta trust me Dex, ..." he manages a smile despite the untimely events.  

I nod at him but still struggle to loosen my limbs from Keegan, my body paralyzed with a fear my brain can barely comprehend. "I promise you won't fall again" Soap urges. 

"Any ... any day now .." Ghost grunts over the comms. I glance back up, hearing the struggle in his voice. 

I can feel myself shaking and although my body is panicking my mind is concerningly calm. I look at Soap and shift slightly, doing my best to unfreeze my limbs that locked around Keegan. "This is as far as I can swing Dex ... when I get close you have to jump to me" Soap reports.

"I'll keep hold of you till I can't anymore" Keegan adds and I nod again, not being able to form words. My throat raw from coughing and my lungs filled with ash. 

I close my eyes for a moment, gathering everything I have. I grab the harness rope that holds Keegan and use it to help get me up much to Ghosts dislike. I can feel Keegans grip on my legs, helping to keep me steady as Soap gets closer.

It's not a far jump, there's high chance I make it with ease. Soap gets closer and I watch with focused eyes. He reaches his hands out and I know that's my cue.

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