25 || Guilty

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I could see his desperation in his eyes and heard them on his words. I knew it wasn't fair to do this to him and for even what I was about to do.

"Soap ... just, your dog tag matched with the number sequence on the papers... the paper was, a required, target. They want you to lead a higher study for them."

"It's something that I can't piece together right now but all I know is that they've got information on you somehow, a lot more than others and that makes you a prime target for them."

"Something about you and your bloodline seems to intrigue them, there's others too you've seen, but yours" I brush my hand about in useless gestures as always, I tend to do it when I panic or feel pressured.

"It's just a lot more, urgent, and I'm afraid I guess, that something will happen to you, but it's been a while and even though many things take time, nothing has happened and so, I think it's safe to say that the file specially, was crafted by Arnold to send in."

"My suspicions point to the fact he was scoping out capable and liable teammates from all of B6MS, creating folders and analyzing each individual, you worked closely with him, no one else on the team has a folder."

"So, I suspect he made these and meant to send them in to the head of dd74 but never got around to it, if they are expecting the files and haven't received them then, they'll know Arnold was caught."

"I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you Soap" I whisper reassuringly at his silence.

"It's hard to understand without the full picture isn't it" he says back after a moment.

I nod in the dark "Yeah, I, I don't know what they want you for all I know is that they do, and I don't know what to suspect or what I'm supposed to be looking out for, I just worry"?

"You worry?"

"Of course, I do" I say with a soft chuckle, "you're my teammate."

He's silent for a moment. "Ah gee Dex" he says with a light smile evident on his words. "You really know how to make someone feel bad huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"I couldn't hate myself more for treating you the way I did."

I shrug dismissively "don't mention it Soap, it's in the past."

"Stop that" he says after a moment.

"Stop what?"

"Stop being so nice" he says, and I can see the small grin on his lips as he backs away.

"Oh, c'mon Soap" I say moving closer at his dramatic backing away.

"I can't help it you're making me feel guilty" he says getting up.

"I just think your so amaaaazing and fuunnny" I laugh.

"Go to sleep idiot."

"Of course, captain" I say, lying back down under the covers.

"I'll give you a ride in the morning" he says leaving.

"You working?" I ask.

He steps back into the light of the hallway, "tomorrow's Saturday?"

"Yes sir" I grin.

"My bad, enjoy a sleep in Dex" he says shutting the door.


In the morning I woke up to hushed voices. I rolled onto my side trying to ignore them, the sun was rising out the window. The curtains left open.

I tried unsuccessfully to get back to sleep but with a groan I flipped the covers over. Fang was wrapped around the floor lamp pole that I'd left her on last night.

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