28 || Microwave

940 29 10


"Then kiss me"


"Yes, here" he sighs. I look around at the crowded courtyard, I've made it a scene with my crying, and I can see people trying not to stare.

"But Keegs, everyone's around" I mumble trying to force a smile.

"I'll see you later on I guess" he says turning his back and walking away.

"Keegan!-" I call, walking after him.

"I suggest you just let him go" Ghost says from behind me. I can see for a slimmest second the Keegan tenses, but he doesn't turn around or look back and I find my anger on Ghost.

I turned around, ignoring how closed he'd managed to get in the short amount of time. I shouldered past him with my head down.

I knew that this was my fault, but I couldn't help but feel angry at Ghost. Liked he'd made it worse from the beginning, I was the idiot for listening to him.

"Dex, hey-?" He said almost sounding confused.

I ignore him, stalking back along the path that I'd chased Keegan on. I shoved open the doors and ran across the halls before Ghost could see me.

I knew i was crying, I also knew I didn't really have the right to cry. I passed through the glass hallway and raced up to my old team's office area.

I opened the door with a little more force than intended and lowered my head, making my way to Oryx and trying to gather myself. "Hey loser-" Oryx started before pausing.

I stood with my head down and he sat, a clear view of my clearly upset face. "Hey hey, what's wrong?" He said standing up and pulling me into a hug.

I needed a hug, although it only made me cry more. He rubbed my back and I apologized for getting his gear dirty. "What's wrong?" He asked once more pulling me away as he held is hand out for some tissues.

Someone handed him tissues and I felt like an idiot in front of everyone. Oryx dabbed the tissues against my tear-streaked cheeks and gave me a smile. "Can I, ... can I get a ride?" I asked Oryx slowly.

"Of course, Dex, whatever you need."


"I'll go up and grab my card then can we go get food for Fang?"

"Course Dex, I'm here" he smiled as I shut the car door.

"You won't get in trouble for not being at work?" I said through the window.

He shook his head, and I went inside the shared apartment building using the card that Keegan had given me to do so, slipping it into my pocket in the bathroom earlier.

I had just stopped the tears and yet they were back as his gesture. I'd tried to give it back when I seen him before everything, but he claimed to have a spare one.

I rushed up the stairs, sniffling and wiping tears until I reached the third floor. I looked up at the sound of keys only to find Keegan at his apartment door opposite Soaps.

He noticed it was me and unlocked his door silently. "Keegan-" I tried to say but he'd shut the door. I went to Soaps door, turning the handle to find it locked. Seeming to be my last straw I started to cry once more.

Banging my head against it once before giving up and sitting down. The day was going horribly, everything. The early morning situation with the bracelet to the bleeding nose, then fangs food, the fight between Keegan and Ghost.

The situation about Linda and mine and Keegan's encounter in the courtyard. Ghosts' presence just made it worse for us both, and I thought this morning we were getting somewhere.

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