20 || Peek

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"I'm not understanding" I say with a groan. The storm loud outside as the team leans back in their chairs. It's almost 2am and I sit around in the office building of the empty base.

"Dex ... it's our brains, we need sleep" Gaz groans. The table is covered in various papers and tapes. Coffee cups and fast-food wrappers scattered about.

"I agree" Alejandro grunts half asleep in his chair. We'd visited the given address and found multiple recordings of conversations and confidential information being spoken about between the team.

I'd pieced together what I could but there was so much I was still going. Other puzzle pieces fitting into place as I worked away.

The team worked with me, but it'd been hours, and I could see they were tired. The storm outside was hitting the windows aggressively creating a soft hum.

I'd tried to keep them up with coffees, teas and even beers but it wasn't enough to pull them away from their bodies needs.

I looked across, Soap and Alejandro looking especially tired. I sighed, "I'm sorry" I mumbled "I guess I'm just eager to figure this."

"It's fine Dex, from your place it makes sense yeah, me n Ghost got a meeting early however" Price said, standing up with a slow stretch.

"Yeah, no, you guys go, we'll work on it tomorrow" I say. The rest of them stand up, a few stretches and yawns happening as they head towards the door.

I stand up too "I'm gonna stay here a little longer" I say, Price turns to look at me considering something before he gave a nod. "Lock up when your done yeah?"

I give him a confirming nod, saying goodbye to the team who pile out of the door exchanging in mumbled conversation.

I spin my chair back around, flipping through the papers beside me while I bite the end of my pen. The door shuts behind the team and it's silent.

The storm and occasional thunder my only company. I turn around as I hear the door open, it's only been a few minutes and I expect it to be someone from the team but instead it's the door swinging shut.

I hear footsteps, walking past and last night's events pop into my head making my heart spike. I rush to the window, looking down at the team's vehicle headlights lighting up in the dark and driving from base.

I hear the creak of the door once more and my head snaps around only to find it swinging shut again. My breath hitches and I know I shouldn't, but I do, walk towards the door.

I take a deep breath, pushing open the door. "Rah-!"

I scream, almost punching Keegan in the face but instead my body falls back into the room. He's immediately beside me, laughing of course but regardless checking that I'm okay.

"Wasn't expecting that" He chuckled. I glared at him and gave him a smack with a huff.

"Oh, c'mon it was funny."

"Was not" I sighed, getting myself up and sitting back on the chair. Finding myself to be a little less on edge now that I had company.

"Got you good, didn't I?" He laughs sitting down beside me.

I ignore him "aren't you going home?" I mumble.

"Nah, I really ain't that tired to be honest" He shrugs as i get back to work. "Decided I could stick around."

I nodded slowly, "for work or to annoy me?" I smile at the paper I'm working on.

"Work" He shrugs, sliding some forms towards him.

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