•I hate you Alex Turner• (fwn era)

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Yours and Alex's relationship had been going downhill for a while, You'd never have sex anymore or go on dates not like you used to. You didn't really talk and you began to rethink the whole thing.

It was 5pm and you had just got home from work, You expected Alex to be on the sofa watching TV like always but this time he wasn't. 'Maybe he's at the studio.' You thought.

You shrugged it off and walked into the bedroom to get changed. You walked in and saw Alex just in his boxers and he was all red and sweaty.

'What's up with you?' You asked

'Nothing?' He said giving you attitude. You just raised your eyebrows at him and walked to you wardrobe. You put on your pjs but something dropped out of your jumper pocket and rolled under the bed.

You saw Alex's eyes widen.

'ER, I'll get that for you.' He laughed nervously.

'No? i can get it?' You said abit confused.

You bent down got your lipgloss and looked under the bed.

'What. The. Fuck.' You shouted standing up. 'What the fucks wrong with you Alex?'

'What's happering darling.' He smiled nervously.

'Darling? Don't darling me you haven't told me that i'm weeks and now if found a fucking slut under me bed.' You screamed.

'Shit.. It's not what it looks like y/n' Alex pleaded.

'Then what is it Alex? Your in your boxers, all red and sweaty there is a girl under our bed? You cheated on me!' You began to cry. 'I actually wanted this to work and i fucking loved you, you cunt.'

'Y/n baby please.' he begged. 'I love you.'

'No Alex. i fucking hate you. I hate you Alex Turner.' You screamed ' Wait till everyone finds out what a cunt you are all your fans will think something different then won't they?'

'Don't you dare y/n, i'll do anything.' he stood up and walked towards you. You took these words into consideration thinking you could get him back but he's done this before he'll do it again.

'Our relationship has been falling apart now for weeks but that. That has finished it. I'm braking up with you Alex. I hope you and your little slut of a new girlfriend have a lovely life.' You say grabbing your clothes.

'No wait y/n please.' He tan after you. You just slam the door in his face.

About 20 minutes later you were at Matts house. You knocked on the door and by now you were streaming with tears.

'Hello? Omg y/n what happend.' He said hugging you.

'Alex cheated on me so i broke up with him.' You sobbed

'Awh y/n come in, stay as long as you like. I thought he was better then that to be honest.' Matt said reassuring you.

- 1 hour later -

There was a knock on the door, you got up and got it. It was Alex.

'What the fuck do you want Alex?' You sounded bored.

'I'm sorry, please take me back, i don't know what i was thinking your the one for me the only one who's treated me right.' He begged.

'No cus if i did you would do that to me, I hate you Alex.' You said slamming the door.

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•Where stories live. Discover now