Blind date (fwn era)

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- This is inspired by Gavin and Stacy cus i'm running out of ideas and its so slay😊 -

You and this 'Alex' had been messaging, calling over the phone for about 6 months. You'd gotten to know each other so well, like you'd actually met. You were in a stage where things were stepping up a-bit but not officially partners as you wanted to wait till you met. Your best friend wasn't so sure on him saying he could be a creep and a complete cat fish, you knew he wasn't. You and Alex lived far from each other, Alex lived in Sheffield and you lived in Nottingham. You two decided to arrange a date to finally meet up and you were ecstatic. You had also agreed on taking your best friends with you to make sure your both okay and not alone. You told Alex you were taking your best friend Amanda and Alex said he was bringing his best mate Matt.

It was the night before you left for the train station, Amanda was staying yours so you two weren't late. You were so exited and Amanda was like your mum making sure not you get your hopes up on him.

"I cant wait to meet him." You squeal.

"I know y/n, you've said now go bed  we need be up early." Amanda says rolling over and going back to sleep.

You couldn't stop thinking about Alex so you messaged him.

y/n: Hey ready for tomorrow? x

Alex: Yeah a-bit nervous x

y:n: Same but i'm so exited x

Alex: I know love only 18 more hours to go x

Alex my heart happy just messaging him made you smile. You decided to go to sleep after this message as you didn't want to be sleepy in the morning. You and Woke up at 9am to get to the train station early, as you didn't want to be late.
At about 10am you boarded you train to Sheffield. The whole train ride you were so nervous, what if he didn't like you? What if he didn't show up? But before you could think anymore Amanda took you away from your thoughts.

"You ready y/n our stops next." She said nudging you to get your things.

"Yeah." You say and stand up grabbing your purse.

Soon the train stops letting you off, you walk through the station and begin searching for the spot you were meeting Alex in. It didn't take long as it was a fountain which gave away where it was so you sat there and waited for Alex and Matt to show up. About 5 minutes later you felt someone tap your shoulder.

"Y/n?" This voice says.

You turner around and its Alex, He's so much better in person. "Hey Alex." You say pulling him into a hug.

"You look amazing." He says looking you up and down smiling.

"Don't look to bad yourself." You flirt. This causes Alex to blush. "By the way this is Amanda, where is Matt?"

"Just nipped go get some food, didn't have breakfast." Alex laughs.

As Alex said that Matt walked up next to him eating a bacon sandwich. You all said your hello's and began deciding where to go.

"Shall we go to the club?" You say. "I need a drink."

"But its 10 oc-..." Matt was about to finish his sentence but Alex cut him off.

"Sounds great." Alex says smiling at you.

Alex offers his arm for you to link to and you began walking in front of the other two.

"Are they gonna be like this all day?" Matt says taking a bite of his bacon butty.

"Probably, I just need a alcoholic drink." Amanda sighed.

They both laughed at the expressions and began following you and Alex. Not long after Alex took you to this hidden away club he said he always goes to. It was very nice, neon signs, very clean but it felt weird being their so early but you were with Alex so everything felt like paradise.

You sat on a table of four and Alex went to order the first round of drinks for you all. When he returned he sat next to you, putting his arm around you. This make butterflies grow in your stomach.

eventually you all finished your drinks and Matt went up and got shots for you all. Within a hour you were all getting progressively drunk. Matt and Amanda had walked to go and dance on the dance floor. By now it was about 3pm so more people began to arrive which made you relocate to some little sofas. You and Alex were sat down talking, reminiscing the funny things that happened on call.

"Y/n can i tell you something?" Alex asks down your ear because of the music. You nod. "This better then i thought it would be, i feel like ive known you ages."

"I feel like ive known you all my life." You giggle.

"What?" Alex shouted as he couldn't hear.

"Like i've known you all my life." You repeated.

You sat staring into Alex's eyes as he stared at your lips. He moved his hand up to your neck and pressed his lips against yours. Slowly you pulled away and giggled before going to kiss him again.

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