•Nicks girl•

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I sit here writing songs about her. She's not even mine yet the whole of the Am album is about her. I'm just so jealous of Nick i know he's my best friend and all but she's gorgeous and i went her. They look so happy together so i don't say anything but i always admire her from afar, it's all i can do.

I've arrived at the studio to practice the new Album with the boys and she's there again looking gorgeous. I take it that her and Nick had just been out as she's their all dressed up. She's wearing a red dress which outlines her figure perfectly and the silver jewellery brightened her eyes she was stunning.

'Hiya Al' She said with a smile.

I felt myself turn pink, obviously blushing. 'Hiya, How come you've dressed up ay?'

'Well Nick just took my on a date and guess what.. he proposed!.' She said with a smile.

The word proposed broke me, i felt empty. Somehow i'd lost control and let my emotions show. I never do that so why was it happening now?

'You okay Al?' The nickname she calls me doesn't give me butterflies anymore.

'I'm sound, Congrats.' I say before walking off. I felt as if i was about to burst. I walked into the next room where Matt was making a cocktail.

'Matt mate, can i have a word?' I'm looking at the ground.

'Yeah mate you okay?' Matt asks as we walk outside.

'Not really, Can i tell you something but you can't tell anyone especially Nick?' I say, i need to tell someone.

'Course Al! We've been mates since first school i've never told anyone have i?' He replied. I give a small smile.

'Okay so, I'm not sure what to do. Ever since Nicks brought y/n into our lives i've loved her. I know they are together and will be getting married yet this feeing won't go away. Every time she talks to me she calls me Al, It gives me this high. And Matt i wrote everyone of AM's songs about her. So after hearing that he proposed i've been lost.' I began to cry.

Matts looking at me as if i've just told him someone's died. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. He's the type of friend you can talk to about anything.

'Mate maybe you should just tell her or Nick this isn't healthy.' He says looking at me.

'Matt i can't it will ruin the friendship, i'll just have to move on.' I shrug and stand up.

4 months later.

Finally i moved on, well mostly. I met this girl called louise and it's been going great she's even coming to the wedding.

Todays the wedding i've come to terms with it now. I know i don't stand a chance and that as Nicks best man i have to do what's right and forget.

I'm stood next to Nick at the alter and Matts giving me a reassuring look.

'Oi Al it's gonna be alright isn't it?' Nick looks worried.

'Course mate she's a gooden.' I reassure, it hurts to say it though.

Just then the doors open and people rise, i see her she looks stunning in her white dress her hair and makeup done. She looks like a princess. She walks down smiling at Nick. At this moment i feel so empty.

I zoned out half the ceremony until i heard this.

'Nick do you take y/n to be your wife.'

'I do.'

'y/n do you take Nick to be your husband.'

I soon snapped out of it and looked up at her and she wasn't saying anything, she was just staring at me.

'Nick, I'm so sorry but i can't hide this anymore.' A gasp flew across the room. I felt bad for Nick he looked broken, more broken then i felt.

'Alex.' She said my name, My eyes shot up. 'It's always been you.'

Something opened in me i knew i couldn't smile but i couldn't help it. Louise just looked at me and rolled her eyes. She walked off but i couldn't care. I felt happy again, So happy.

She walked upto me and kissed me. I was shocked and felt terrible on Nick. But i'd been waiting for this moments for years. What do i do?

Does anyone want a part 2?

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•Where stories live. Discover now