•I thought you were better then this•

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Your and Alex's relationship was on its last legs, he kept fucking up. He never got too drunk but most night now he'd come home absolutely hammered then staying in bed all day on a hang over but this time was too far....

Alex was out again one night like again and you were used to it you just got comfy in bed and was ready a book when at about 12:46 am Alex walked into your bedroom. Once Alex walked in this aroma of weed flooded the room immediately you got out of bed.

"Alex are you hight?" You run up to him and look at his eyes, they are pink.

Alex is stood slumped over in the doorway smiling and giggling. "Nooo course not im fine." He slured. You knew he was lying.

"Al what the fuck? What else did you take?" You screamed.

"aye nothing much."He said giggling.

You stood there very unimpressed. This has happened before and it messed Alex up for days so you can only fear whats going to happen next.
"Al, I thought you were better then this."

He looked at you smirking but you weren't taking his shit you pushed him to your room and undressed him and put him in bed.

"Sorry Al." You say packing some clothes you needed to get out of  there.

Alex was so unaware until he saw you walking out the door. "Wait.. Babe where you going?" He sounded upset.

You thought it would be better to not say anything and just leave, as you walked out the door you could hear his sobs. You ended up at Jamies house as you knew he had a spare room.

"Y/n he needs help, we need find him somewhere." Jamie said giving you a coffee.

"I know but he'll pretend he's okay like what he did last time." You sigh.

Jamie pulled you into a side hug, You finished your coffee and went to bed.


It was 11am you woke up in a nice clean bed but it felt weird, Alex wasn't there to pull you in. You made the bed so Jamie didn't have to and walked downstairs. You heard voices coming from the kitchen Jamie was talking to somebody.

"Mate you need do something." You hear Jamie say.

"Ey i know but i cant loose her from it." A voice sighed.

You walked around the corner to see him in his usual leather jacket and gelled hair. He turned to you and smiled.

Jamie left you to too it.

"Look y/n I'm sorry this guy pressured me and shit i'm just going to stop going out it just makes me off." Alex said holding your hands.

"Al please see someone your worrying me now love." You said looking into his eyes.

"I will for you gorgeous." He said and planted a
kiss on youe forehead.

- sorry its short im sick atm so my heads abit funny!! -

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•Where stories live. Discover now