•Move on Al• (Humbug era)

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It was a windy autumns night and Alex was sat waiting for you to come home. The whole day he ignores his phone and was playing around with his guitar making new songs. 'Where is she' He thought.
Just then you walked through the door.

'Hey baby.' He shouted.

'Hiya darling, You doing okay?' You questioned.

'Yeah! Why wouldn't i be?' He asked.

'Yeah your right.' You smiled but began tearing

'What's wrong baby i'm here.' Alex said getting up.

'You need to move on Al.' You say crying.

'Why? I love you!' He pleaded.

'Because i'm dead. I'm a ghost baby.' You sniffled 'I'm not actually here.' You saw Alexs heart shatter right there.

'Oh..Oh yeah.' Hs began crying. 'Please don't leave me y/n it's so fucked up here without you.'

'I'm sorry Alex. I have to go baby. We will meet again i'll be waiting for you.' You tried to look happy.

'No! NO! PLEASE.' He scammed

'I love you Alex.' You said vanishing

'NO. Y/N PLEASE. COME BACK' Alex said braking down into the floor crying. Jamie noticed that Alex wasn't answering so he came to his flat to check on him.

'Al? You in here?' He said opening the door to see Alex on the floor. 'AL!' he said rushing over.

' What's wrong mate?' He questioned picked Alex up

'I jus miss her so much jamie. She was here again. I can't do this without her.' He sobbed into jamie's shoulder.

'I know mate. We all miss her but she's in a better place now.' He said comforting Alex.

'I hate the knob who ran her over. i hate him.' He screamed.

'Al, shush, calm down mate. It's all going to be fine.' Jamie said wrapping his arms around Alex. Alex just sobbed.

And as a ghost you stood there sobbing too, they can't see you but you can see him. You miss him so much and feel so guilty for leaving him.

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•Where stories live. Discover now