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"The first to score is from Japan's U-20! Itoshi Sae!! In this packed stadium tonight, the crowd's gone wild!! AHAHA! Itoshi Sae really is a genius! And we finally get to see it!" "This is Itoshi Sae's Strength! And today

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"The first to score is from Japan's U-20! Itoshi Sae!! In this packed stadium tonight, the crowd's gone wild!! AHAHA! Itoshi Sae really is a genius! And we finally get to see it!" "This is Itoshi Sae's Strength! And today...we may be bearing witness to the birth of a hero!!"

"That shot was amazing! What a super goal, Sae-Kun!"

"Hands off, chumps" Itoshi smacked the hands of the male "Three. That's the number of times I could've shot. But I held myself back and spent my precious time passing to you guys instead. And yet that waste of oxygen over there blew a goal even a monkey would've scored. So i got pissed and just did it myself"

Nathaniel glared at the boy "You can't even utilize your father's gift, what's the point of you being here?" the blonde male stepped closer to the burgundy haired boy "Now, now. Their goalie just happened to make a pretty good save. Huh? What's the point of a striker that doesn't score...? Someone with worse scoring capability than a midfielder like me, isn't worthy of being called a striker."

"That's a bit harsh, boy genius. If that's the case, how many strikers does Japan even have?" Haiku questioned the male "The point of this match is to figure that out. Don't let it happen again, you sub-monkey piece of scum."

"Now, now. The game's only just started, Gold." Aiku tried to calm the male down. "Don't miss the next one."

"I know...I won't, not until she gets here" Gold's eyes were directed towards the girl who sat on the bench, her eyes carefully watching her team. "What's your vendetta against the poor girl" Nathaniel ignored the male walking off.

"The plays that they practiced in the training camp aren't working at all...Are they going to be okay, Ego-san...?" Anri questioned the male "Eh, didn't expect any better" "What?!" "Well, practice is just practice, Anri-Chan. When you're practicing, all you're really doing is demonstrating your technical skills in a no-stress environment. You see it happen in all fields of performance. There are people who perform well in practice...But fall short when it comes to the real thing."

"Oh...I think I've experienced that for myself. Like messing up at a piano recital..." Anri began to understand "Yep. The decisive difference between practice and the real deal...is the presence of "stress"." The setting. Your opponent. Your own body condition. Changes in your mental state. Your muscles tensing up. Your thoughts coming to a stop. When it comes to the real deal, there are plenty of factors that can lead you into a downward spiral. Nothing goes like in practice. And the only way to overcome that stress... is by improvising."

"Huh?! So you're not going to give them any directions?! At Least let's switch with Ai because If we don't do anything at this rate they'll..." Anri tried to explain but cut off "Just shut up and trust in them. When it comes to the real deal...our egoists always deliver."


Rin kicked the ball towards Isagi 'I'm still missing the piece I need to crack their defense line!! Actually, I don't even know what it is that I'm lacking right now. That's just how strong they are...but I'm already past that. It's clear what I need to do. Discard all unnecessary thoughts!! Concentrate on what I can do right now!! I'm going to use everything I've got...and focus only on building my plays with Rin!!'

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