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"Na...Nagi Seishirou scores a super goal... and the Blue Lock Eleven ties the score, 1-1!!"

"Who the heck's "Nagi Seishirou"...?! I've never even heard of him before...!" Natsuki questioned "What a shocking goal that was! Split between joy and bewilderment...The crowd in the stadium's looking bizarre!" Teresa looked at the crowd who looked bewildered. "Did the Blue Lock Project succeed, after all?!" Natsuki looked at the players in shock. "Now, with this, we're no longer able to tell. Just who are the protagonist of this match!!"

"Ah...I pumped my fist...cringe..." Nagi stared at his hand "Nagi!!" Chigiri screamed while running "Hell yeah!!" Isagi followed up, both of them tackling the boy to the ground. "Heh..."

"Amazing...They did it...they caught up! But I wonder...why did our offense strategy suddenly work...?! Makes me wonder how we were having so much trouble in the first place..." Anri looked at Ego confused "Don't get so carried away by a goal, errand girl. If they can create a situation where they've got a 50-50 chance at scoring, our forwards are expected to do that much."

Anri looked at Ego, offended "Meaning...they play before was the critical one?" "Exactly...:Itoshi Rin's improvisation...was the origin of that goal. Didn't I tell you? Our players are strong. All the selections I put them through have trained their capacity to improvise."

"Oh! You're talking about that thing you always bring up...The "Chemical Reactions" between players, right?" Anri looked at Ego for confirmation "Yeah. That's also a form of improvisation...When one moves toward an objective...things rarely ever go according to plan. Whatever's written in textbooks and manuals may be textually correct but out in the reality of the field, it's nothing more than abstract theory. And when one's strategy doesn't go as planned...Your average joe will start to panic. They'll find comfort in locating the source of their failure, and then waste time revising their approach. Such is the mindset of a loser. But a winner sees a "challenge." What is the objective of this match, Anri-chan?"

"Huh? Um...to win."

"Yes. Whether they can get into that mindset quickly will be crucial...Even if your plans fall apart, even if the path you take is not ideal, as long as you don't lose sight of your objective, your situation just becomes another challenge"

"That's...the mindset necessary for improvising!" Anri said in sudden realization "Now you understand, Anri-chan. Blue Lock doesn't need an average joe who waits around for orders. What we want are the egoists who can discover their own challenges. Itoshi Rin moved towards that challenge faster than anyone else, and Isagi Yoichi responded to that...it seems that Isagi Yoichi really is the key...to Itoshi Rin's awakening."

"Then...what was the point of making Ai Captain if those two–"

"You haven't figured it out yet?" Ego mocked Anri who looked at him annoyed. "Ai is different from those two, she has the mindset of a winner, she doesn't need someone by her side to complete her goals. Rather she likes to use others like chess pieces for her ultimate goals. From the beginning Ai had selected those she believed were beneficial towards her and crafted them. Isagi Yoichi being one of those people. The reason why she was made Captain was not solely because of her mindset nor her skills but rather because she can force anyone to kneel before her"

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