Chapter 5

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I had kept my life and thus made a life-altering bargain with the King.

The devil King of the outcast creatures of this world, the famous, powerful, and most beautiful werewolf called Keial, and for the protection he provided, all I had to do was to be loyal and serve him.

Well, it's been a day, and I'm starting to regret ever coming here.

I scrubbed his chambers as hard as I could, to get every room, furniture, and corner cleaned spotless before I had to move on to my next given task.

Since last night, a lot has changed in the last few hours.

Keial had gone back to bathing, and thus I was escorted outside of his bed chambers and into a room of my own, which at first shocked me as it was bigger than my last bedroom, which I shared with two other werewolves in my old pack.

I didn't try to ponder on the words Keial had lastly said to me, nothing good would come out of knowing the truth, all I needed to know was he trusted me somewhat enough to let me work for him, and that's all I cared about.

I took a desperate bath and then crawled into my new bed, and left all my past worries behind, even if it was for a few moments.

I made it, and as different as things were here with the devil King, I was slowly coming to accept that this is now my life.

It's not like I had any choice, I was a rogue, without land or fortune to buy my protection, and this was the next best thing.

Still... how big is this guy's room? I had been in here for three hours now, and I had only finished half of the room.

I was tired, my arms were aching and my stomach was gurgling, begging me to feed it as the last time I ate was in the forest, with nuts and berries I had found along my way.

Not to mention I couldn't sleep a wink last night due to the naked image of him standing in front of me, in all his glory, without a single care in the world.

He really is a good-looking man though.

Looking over his large bedroom, I focus on his bed and before I can stop myself, I wonder how many have sworn their loyalty to him in his bed. And if any of them were men.

It embarrassed me to wonder who he sleeps with, and while it was none of my business, it did leave me curious.

Despite now living here, under his protection, and working for him, what did I even know about him?

He now was even more of a mystery to me than before.

Haa... this sucked, I just wanted to finish quickly and go eat something.

Just then, the doors to the King's bedroom opened, and then to my shock, in walks the King himself, dressed more casually without his armor, coming further into the room and then locking eyes with me.

Shit, what do I say?

Was I supposed to bow? To say something?

"Um." I stutted, shifting to my feet and lowering my head.

"I am almost done in here, sir."

The silence was deafening, even worse so when I raised my head to look at him, no longer looking at me or paying attention to me as he moved a large study desk and sat down on a chair behind it.

Well alright then, pretend I don't exist.


I went back to scrubbing, and cleaning the floors as it was the only thing I needed left to do, and while I tried to not look up and see what he was doing, it became even harder once I got closer and closer to his desk.

I had to clean under his desk, but what should I do? Do I tell him to move?

Was I even allowed to speak? 

Even if I was, what would I say? Every time I opened my mouth, I was left bleeding on the floor and being dragged somewhere.

"Get on with it." His sharp tone rang out, making me jump and almost bang my head against his desk.

I quickly, as fast as I could, scrubbed under his desk whilst I held my breath, he had moved out of the way and stood up from his chair and simply watched me under his desk, his overpowering presence made me feel small, and while I desperately wanted to look up... I felt too embarrassed to do so.

I finished and then collected my cleaning supplies then I got to my feet, and that's where I saw him leaning against his desk with his strong muscled arms crossed and he was staring at me.

Fuck, did I do something to piss him off?

"I'm finished, um, I'll just leave and get out of your way." I smiled awkwardly, and lowered my head, before turning around to leave.

"Are you a mated wolf, Felix?" He suddenly asked me, his deep commanding voice making me stop and turn around to look at him.

Why would he ask me that?

"No... my king." I swallowed hard as he hummed out.

Silence filled the room again, only this time I felt like a tension had grown between us, a tension that was becoming too hard to ignore.

What was this feeling? 

It was almost like I was... attracted to him, and vise vera, but, there's just no way.

"You can go on and eat now, Felix." He sighed, leaning off from his desk to go around and sit behind it.

I release the breath I was holding and make my way towards his large tall bedroom door, but then stop when his deep husky voice graced my ears.


"When it's just the two of us you can drop the honorifics." His words sent shivers down my spine as I looked back to see him not even looking at me, but down at papers in front of him.

"Alright." I swallowed the dryness in my throat.

What was this... was he being... nice to me?

I bowed awkwardly and before closing leaving through the door, I spoke to him one last time, as an unsettling surge of butterflies started swirling around in my stomach once I gazed at his handsome face.

"Thank you and um... see you later, Keial."

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