Chapter 34

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"I was starting to wonder if I'd ever see you again."

Arlen reaches out, and presses his palm to my cheek, making me freeze as he leans forward until his breath tickles my ear.

"The King has kept you to himself, hasn't he?" Arlen whispered before his hand went to touch my hips.

I flinched away from his touch and took a step backward, uncomfortable with his sudden touch, but this only seemed to have amused Arlen, as he started to laugh as he held up his hand.

"Oh my." He chuckled, as he looked at me and sighed.

"It's no good, your reaction is just so cute, you make it impossible for me to stop."

As soon as the words left his mouth, I grimaced at him, which only made him smile as I took another step backward.

"Please stop making fun of me." I look back to the dancefloor and subtly look around the room for Keial.

Where are you, Keial?

If he was here, he would've shown up by now, especially since Arlen was in front of me, acting like I was his play toy and something to be messed with.

"Looking for him are we?" Arlen hummed, as he came to stand next to me.

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed already."

"Noticed what?" I turn my gaze from the masked guests to Arlen, whose lips curl into a smirk.

Before he could say another world, I felt it, the sudden shift in the room as I looked at Arlen, who had also felt the same thing I had from the amusement swirling in his eyes.

This strong scent of overwhelming power, and a sense of authority, was so strong that my legs felt numb and I found it harder to breathe.

I had only felt this once, and that was because of... him, and to my speculation, I heard his deep, alluring yet intimidatingly attractive voice, before I saw him.

"What a surprise indeed... to see you both together." His deep voice sent shivers down my spine, as I slowly turned around.

Keial... he was standing behind me and glaring down at Arlen with bright orange eyes, also wearing a half mask that matched his outfit, a black yet incredible fitting suit with golden specs that made his eyes even more hard to ignore.


Keial had always stunned me into silence from how he looked, but right now, he really was an incredibly beautiful man.

The mask didn't hide who he was, as now everyone in the room knew that the King, Keial was here, just from his eyes alone, that seemed extra lethal tonight.

"Your majesty..." Arlen said beside me, almost sarcastically, as I shyly looked between the two men.

"I am merely enjoying the festivities, and the honor of being entertained by the most interesting person here." Arlen hinted at me, as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I didn't need to look at Keial, to know that he wanted to destroy everything that Arlen was from how intense, and thick the air had suddenly got between the two men, with me standing in the middle.

Just like last time... something was happening and all I wanted to do was to just go away and avoid whatever this was.

"I did not realize I had invited you." Keial's deep voice darkened, making me look at him to see that he was furious and glaring down at Arlen.

"You didn't." Arlen chuckled, as he moved his hand from my shoulder.

"The council did, so how could I turn down such a generous opportunity to wish you a Happy Birthday?"

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