
989 38 13

Atlanta, Georgia

"You promise you okay Valli?" Haven questioning as she got ready to leave her house.

It had been 8 months now, Havalli and Kiari were happily married and everything was going good..

"Im okay." Valli lied with a smile.

"Okay, I love you." Haven returned the smile prior to walking out, she knew she didn't like saying it so she didn't fish for a response.

As soon as she heard the front door close Havalli broke out into tears.

Bringing her knees to her head she let all the emotions she had been feeling for the past years hit her.

She was of course, dealing with postpartum but everyone that knew her knew that she had been depressed almost her whole life and she just found peace in it, nobody could convince her that it would go away.

Opening the back of her phone case revealing the rusty blade she took a deep breath as her mind traced to her kids.

Wiping her tears, Havalli stood up and made her way to the bathroom in which was connected to her room.

She started to run bath water, while she waited she looked in the mirror debating on if this was really what she wanted to do.

When the bath tub was halfway full Havalli stopped the water and got in fully clothed.

She had came to the conclusion that the only way not to feel bad was to stop feeling anything at all, forever.


"Don't do dat' mama." Kiari spoke, watching Ladi try to open the front door.

"Open it." Ladi danced at the front door making Kiari chuckle and swipe his keycard to which the door unlocked.

"Daddy!" Legend called out.

"Wassup?" Kiari watched him run in the house.

"Mommy." He pointed to the stairs.

"Mommy inna' shower." Kiari closed and locked the front door before sliding his shoes off.

"No." Ladi shook her head.

"Mommy, look." She nodded towards the stairs again making Kiari frown.

"Aye go watch tv." He jogged up the stairs making them run in the living room.

"Bae?" He called out seeing the room door cracked open.

Assuming she was still in the shower from the text she sent him he tried to open the door but it was locked, at this point he knew something was wrong because she never locked the bathroom door.

Feeling a wetness he looked down to see water coming from underneath the door.

"The fuck?" He frowned, grabbing a bobby pin off the dresser to pick the lock.

His face instantly softened once he seen Havalli laying in a bathtub, the water now colored red.

"Mama stop playin." He got down on his knees to match her level.

He pulled her in to feel for her heartbeat but there was nothing there, his eyes scanned over her arms which were both still leaking.

His vision got blurry as he grabbed her hand and placed kisses all over her face, he had no idea she was still going through anything, she played it all so well.

He just wished he could've noticed, he thought he should've noticed.

"Fuck man." He ran his hands down his face, he felt like him being her husband there should've been something he could've said to make it all stop hurting.

It's crazy how your mind can make you feel so worthless.

He noticed a piece of paper on the floor, though he could barely make out what it said.

The first words, being the only ones he could make out read "I love you, 12-20-23."

He frowned at the unfamiliar date, then his mind traced back to all the times she had been throwing up, she was pregnant.

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