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"Do you know I've a daughter?", he asked. Obviously, I know.

"Yes",I replied. Silence surrounded us. After a long pause he spoke,

"See Miss Hridya, I want to make it clear that I've got ready to marry again only because of my little daughter otherwise I've no interest in girls".

Well same here, Mr. Aarav Kashyap! I had interest in men,but I don't have any more.

I looked up to see him and was going to speak but as soon as our eyes met,he looked away immediately.

He spoke, "I just want a good mother for my baby. She is too small and according to my mother, she needs a mother just like I need my mother and thus I agreed to meet you".

Who can understand this better than me? I've no one who cares for me except my mother and my sister. If she wouldn't have been there, I wouldn't be sitting here right now.

"If you're ready to marry me and take care of my babygirl, I assure you that you'll get everything that you want. I will make sure that you'll get all the respect and rights as my wife, everything, except my body and soul. I cannot give you that", he said while looking into my eyes.

Good, that seems a pretty good deal for me. I don't want any man either in my life. Men are disgusting!

"Speak.up .something", he whispered shouted at me.

"I.. You.. I..", I stuttered. Speak up tanu, speak up. Ask him.

"Speak clearly", he said.

"You and your family will respect me na?",I asked in a low voice.

I cannot play with this now, 'my respect'.

"Ofcourse". "Why're you asking so?",he asked.

"I actually....I",I stuttered again.

"I don't like people who stutter", he said. Quite straight forward!

"Moreover, if you think that just because you're a widow, we'll not respect you, then you're wrong. If you're a widow, then... I'm too a .. widower". My heart fluttered after hearing this. Before, I met him, everyone showered me just with their sympathy or their cuss words. I think he understands, after all he has also been through this phase.

I hummed and said, "okay, thank you". He nodded his head.

The waiter came in with two mugs of coffee in his hands. He forwarded one towards me and another one towards him.

I took the mug of coffee in my hand and took a sip from it.

"Do you like kids?",he started the conversation again.

"Yes, I love kids. They uplift my mood and I enjoy playing a lot with them", I replied. I really love and adore kids. My Karthik- he is 5years old too. When he was a kid, I used to play with him a lot. I even play with him now, the only thing is, I get out off my room less often now!

"How old is your daughter?",I asked.

"6 months",he replied.

"What's her name?",I asked again.

He picked his phone in his hands. He forwarded his phone to me, pointed towards the screen and said,"Aadya". He has her photo on his phone's wallpaper. Loving father!

I took the phone in my hands. Cute, pretty, beautiful BLUE eyes. Seems she took her eyes from her mother.

"She is cute".

Aarav got HridyaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora