Chapter 22: Take A Chance

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It's been 5 days.

Aria and Ezra leave for their honeymoon today,

My girls come back home today, Alison and Emily insisted on keeping the girls after I talked to them about what happened.

Hanna stayed with me for 2 days I told her to go back home though. Me sulking forever isn't gonna help.

Toby has texted me and called me.

I haven't answered once.

Yvonne reached out to ask if she and Toby could have the girls this weekend.

Bitch really likes pushing my buttons. Now that I know she knows it's like her asserting herself is to tell me to know my place.

Like bitch I don't care if you're gonna be smug because you knew everything gave him a chance and he chose you, he chose you because I told him too and at the end of the day they are my girls and if I don't want you to do something I have a right to say no.

I said yes this time because I want the girls to spend time with Toby. And he will take it as me punishing him if I don't let him watch them.

And I'm Not going to lie I texted the bartender from arias wedding.

It's wrong and maybe it confirms I'm a slut but I needs move on and sometimes it's easier to move on by getting under someone else.

I mean I would never call myself a slut. I wouldn't really call any woman a slut. But I'm definitely not.

My first boyfriend was Toby.

Okay well technically I had a grade school boyfriend but that was like sharing pencils and stuff. I lost my virginity to Toby. After we broke up and I only dated 2 other guys and only slept with one of them.

So in 24 years I had sex with only 2 men. Not a slut.

From : Marco
Hey :)

I can't help but smile slightly.

To: Marco


From : Marco
Whatcha up to?

To: Marco

Nothing really, just sitting here

From : Marco
Oh? Sounds fun

To: Marco
Does it?
From : Marco
Oh yeah, it beats what I'm doing. Maybe I should join you
To: Marco
Hmm. Yeah I think the couch is big enough for two
From : Marco
We may have to test this theory.
To: Marco
I agree. What happens if it doesn't hold two?
From : Marco
Then it's gonna be a tight fit.
To: Marco
I'm sure will think of a way to make it work
From : Marco
Oh we definitely will ;)

So when do you have the house to yourself?
To: Marco
From : Marco
Oh perfect. So I'll be there at 8?
To: Marco
Oh will you? Someone's eager. 😏
From : Marco
I've waited days, you finally reached out, I'm not gonna miss my shot 🤷🏻‍♂️
To: Marco
It was only two days before I messaged you lol
From : Marco
Two days too long
To: Marco
So what's the plan Phil?
From : Marco
At least I'm trying to do something!
To: Marco
Oh my God! You got the reference!
From : Marco
Who wouldn't? Modern Family is amazing
To: Marco
Agreed 100%%
From : Marco
So you said you like Chinese yeah?
To: Marco
Love it
From : Marco
So I'll pick up Chinese, maybe a bottle of wine and meet at yours? Assuming your house is still okay
To: Marco
Yeah, I'm not in the mood to go out. My house is great.

5 Years Too Late **Edited 2024** CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now