Chapter 13 - The Mom & The Step Mom

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The next day
Thursday afternoon


"Hello?" I say into my phone, unsure who's number this is.

"Spencer hey, this is Yvonne"

"Oh hey, How are you? Is everything okay?" I ask, curiously

" I'm fine thank you, yes everything is fine. I actually had something to ask you"

"Sure, shoot" i say as i sit on the stool, with my coffee.

" i know it's short notice for both things I'm going to ask you but. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to have dinner with me tonight at the grill?"

I'm taken back by her question. I'm shocked, not because we hate each other but because we really haven't spoken much without Toby around, so maybe this is her way of getting to know me.

"Of course, I'd love to. What time?"

"Does 7 work for you?"

"Um, I kind of have plans that im altering right now for this, is it possible we make it earlier?"

"Oh my gosh I don't want to take you from your plans!"

No it's okay if I go late, the boys are catching up with us later anyway but I'd wanna be there by time they get there if not there's no point of us going"

"Okay that's fair. Uh can you be there in half an hour?"

"Yeah that's perfect" i smile "what was the other thing you wanted to ask?"

"Well, i know your very protective of your kids and after the whole thing with Toby's parents you're probably more observing of who you leave them with. But i was wondering if the girls could possibly spend the weekend with Toby and I. I just want to get to know them better and have them get to know me as well." She says "Oh, just to clarify. I know my position. I know your their mother and Toby's their father, I'm not doing this because i want to try to over power you or play a mother like role or anything. I just want them to see me as a friend and someone they can trust, espeically when Toby and i are married. But if you aren't comfortable i totally understand"

I wont lie, that thought crossed my mind but Yvonne doesn't seem like that person and she just pointed out her intentions.

"I will say that part of the reason I'm going to say yes is because Toby's there and i know they will be safe. That's not because i don't trust you, that's just because I'm nervous with leaving them with people they don't know and because you and i don't really have a relationship. But i admire the fact that you reached out, now whether or not that's because you want to actually have some sort of relationship with me, or know that having a relationship with me is the ticket to my kids, i can't judge since you made the first move. Plus i agree you will become the girls step mom, and you deserve to get to know them, just like in the future if i find someone, I'd want them to do the same thing you're doing, to Toby. So you and i can have dinner tonight, however we did have plans with my siblings and the kids sister  since it's their last night here and I don't want to switch the plans on the cousins when it's their last day all being together for a while, so it will just be you and i, and I'll drop the girls at your house tomorrow evening around 5 or 5:30 and you guys can bring them back Sunday night or Monday morning. How does that sound?"

"Perfect! Thank you! And i totally understand and agree with what you said. Me reaching out was partially for the kids but mostly because i don't want any tension, you seem like a good person and the way everyone talks about you since i joined the group is amazing and i want someone like you in my life. And it's totally fine that the girls can't make it, it is a last minute even haha" she chuckles at the end

5 Years Too Late **Edited 2024** CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now