Chapter 7 - Here To Stay

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3 weeks later
July 29th

3 weeks have passed since I bought my house back.

I'm honestly excited to be back here.

Until everything is fixed up Emily and Alison let us stay with them which is nice to have all this support.

I've been spending the last three weeks repainting and moving furniture around.

I've decided to keep my old room. I don't think I'd be able to leave it as a guest room or give it to one of the girls. Since I'm keeping the bed and all the other things that are in there I might as well keep the room as it hold so many memories.

Since my parents room is the biggest I'm keeping that as the guest room since it wouldn't be fair to give one of the girls a bigger the room.

Melissa's room and the guest room are the same size so I allowed the girls to pick which room they want as the only difference is the view from each window.

Melissa's faces the backyard while the guest room faces the side of the house where the driveway is.

I've done all of these things with the help of my friends thankfully as I couldn't do it alone in my condition.

I've fixed the basement up to give the girls a place to play.

Today my moms back in Rosewood to help me get settled back in.

She was there to help assist the movers from DC all the way here to Rosewood which is an approximately four hour drive.

Thankfully I'm not in a wheelchair anymore but i do have crutches. My cast sadly can't come off for like another month which is basically right before Aria's wedding

"Hello Toby dear, it's been forever, it's very nice to see you again, especially in this house" My mom smiles as he enters with coffee.

He places the coffee on the table as she stands to hug him.

"Hello Mrs. Hastings, yes it has been, you're looking well! And yes is very nice to see you too and being back here is all sorts of weirdness" he chuckles "how are you?"

"I'm doing well thanks, life is crazy I'm still always on the go. Nothings changed for me, except maybe the fact that my husband and I are separated, but like is that something that's really new? Half of our marriage we lead separate lives.... or he did... look at me trauma dumping" she chuckles "and yeah I could imagine after all this time and the events that have passed that being here would be weird but also must feel some kind of ease, you guys did grow up here. Some connection to your childhood is here, but how are you doing ?"

"I'm sorry about Mr. Hastings I really hoped you guys would have managed to mend things but you're a strong and smart woman so I'm sure you're doing what's best for you and I wish you the best during this time. And yeah definitely feeling nostalgic and even a connection to my mom which is all very nice and magically but also weird. A bunch of emotions get stirred up and it's like watching an old season of a show except it's not a show, it's my life. It's crazy. But yeah I am doing Good thanks. Even better after finally meeting my girls" he smiles

"Oh I totally get what you mean about the show. Happens to me almost daily! And I'm very happy the secret is out and you know now!"

"Me too" he grins

"Thanks Tobs" I smile as he hands my mother and I our coffees

"Wow, after all these years you still remember my drink"

"I guess I can't really forget" he shrugs and let's out a breathy chuckle

5 Years Too Late **Edited 2024** CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now