Chapter 19 : Rendezvous

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(A.N..... Alexa play Rendezvous by Little Mix)


"I call Ezra and Aria, and their court to the dancefloor please" the announcer says

We stand on the dancefloor in our starting positions.

The music starts and Aria and Ezra start their piece.

Eventually we do our waltz around them.

I glance at Yvonne to see her pouting, i know it's been hard for her seeing Toby with me and everyone talking about Mia and Elissa. Especially since Toby picked her but is still doing all these close things with me.

It's hard for me so I'm sure it's hard for her.

Rosewood is a small town and sadly everyone knows everyone's business. This town knows how close Toby and I were, they know our love story and everything and now that we have a connection through more than just past, we have it through DNA they won't shut up.

"Maybe you should dance with Yvonne" I suggest.

Mostly for her somewhat for me

"Spencer I had plenty of dances with her and I will have more. This dance is special, she knows what this is for" he tells me

"I know but with everyone going on about us and the kids I just feel bad, it's a lot for her in one day"

"She is fine, she's strong" he nods

The real reason I want him to dance with her is because I desperately want to cozy up to him and kiss him. And I can't.

This forbidden fruit shit is such a hard thing to ignore. Like for fuck sakes.

Just in time the music stops, everyone claps and Yvonne rushes over to ask Toby to dance.

I head back to my seat, taking a minute to breathe.

"So Spencer how are things?"A extremely nose woman by the name of Margret, asks as she sits beside me along with her friends.

She's the towns gossiper. Well there are many, but she's the Bitchy one.

The other is Patty and Babette. But they both have the sweetest hearts and they are older ladies so I'm guessing gossip is how they stay young. But they try to help and never use the gossip against you like Margret does.

"Good and for you?"

"Good" she nods "but i'm more concerned about you. I realized for those girls to be four you got pregnant at 19" she says and i roll my eyes.

People seem more interested in me than the wedding.

"Well you've done your math, very good. Now if I recall we're here for Aria and Ezra not to connect my family"

"That's an awfully young age young lady, a bright girl like you should've known better" she says in a disapproving tone, ignoring what I've said.

"yeah well, mistakes happen, things happen that aren't planned Alright. My life is great so I have no complaints" I fire back

"but you didn't finish university did you?"

"Not that it's any of your business but I did actually. Completed my first year, then my second After i had the girls i took a year off. Then went back for the next two years and because of my academics i graduated a bit early, heading me straight into the law school, however despite the fact that I'm just finishing law school next year I've been working in a law firm. A law firm back in DC hired me because of my practice and my parents history. So I've been a paralegal. And the second I get  my full law degree next year I'll be fully registered as a crown attorney, so yes I've finished and my kids didn't derail me at all" i explain to get them to shut up but of course they continue

5 Years Too Late **Edited 2024** CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now