Chapter 39: Momma?

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A.N.... Season 7 Episode 10 and 11 fucking killed my soul, ripped out my heart stabbed it in front of me, left me gasping for air and then they put a small piece of my heart back just to keep me alive to torture me a bit more. Then Spencer and Toby survived and my heart grew 'three sizes that day' (IF U WATCH PLL OBSESSIVELY LIKE ME YOU WOULD KNOW THAT TOBY SAID THAT TO SPENCE AFTER ALIS ICE BALL WHEN THEY FOUND A LETTER THAT COULD HELP SPENCE GET OUT OF JAIL) << that episode saved me as much as it killed me )


I awake to see bright light and a figure standing over me

"Mom?" I question

"I'm not your mom but I'm gonna take care of you like I was" he says and I can see now it's a man in front of me.

I'm in an ambulance, I didn't die? Wow.

"What's your name?" he asks

I'm aware he's trying to keep me awake but the last thing I wanna do is talk when my minds racing.

"S-Sp-Spencer" I mumble

"Okay Spencer, what's your favourite colour?"

"Blue" I mumble

"What's your fathers name?"

Three timing ugly bastard!

"Peter" I say, disgusted by his name

"What's your moms name?"

"V-" I stop thinking about what Mary said.

I don't know! Why'd you ask that question?

"Spencer?" He calls

I feel my eyes fluttering again before I'm met with darkness again.

As I fade away I hear him say "hey stay with me"


"Where the hell did this Mary come from?" Emily asks as we enter the hospital

"I don't know" i mumble

"What does she mean she's Spencer's mother?" Alison wonders

"I don't know" I sighs

"Hanna!" Emily yells

"Sorry" i mumble "Ali, Can you help us out since you know her?" I ask

"I don't know her I just know who she is. My mother said she died I don't understand how she's here and I don't know how she's Spencer's mother but we do know Spencer's father had a thing for my mom and I mean Mary looks like my mom so it could be another situation like Jason. But I don't know that's just an assumption"

"But why would Veronica pretend to be Spencer's mom? She has to know she didn't give birth to her... right?"

"Unless Peter drugged her and kept her home during the pregnancy, or did some crazy thing Ti make it seem legit" Emily panics

"Let's not go that far" Alison Sighs

"What do we do?" Em asks

"We can figure it out after we need to call Toby" i say


"Hello" I say into my phone

"Hi Toby this is Doctor Briggs"

5 Years Too Late **Edited 2024** CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now