Chapter 43: Watch Her

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3 days later
Friday November 15th

Out of Welby.

Not clinically insane, so that's great I guess.

Being back home should've made me feel better, but i feel worse.

Toby hasn't called, or texted or even came by.

His stuff is still here, but he isn't which hurts.

Melissa insisted on keeping my girls with her while i sort out everything but on my first day out I spent the day with them.

I've been pushing them away because of the craziness in my life and that's not okay.

I've been a mess, and i've been saying that a lot lately, but it's true.

Crying every minute and thinking its Toby when the door opens or i hear my phone go off.

This is hard.

Harder then i expected.

Why am i such a fuck up?

I roll up the baggy sweater i am curently wearing to stare at the little bump in my stomach.

Not very noticable, it's the slightest of bumps but still there.

I just want things to go back to the way they were, but i know they can't.

"Ali, Em?  is that you?" I call in my groggy voice.

I am sat in the living room on the floor, knees brought to my chest.

"No, it's me" he says and i freeze before turning to him

"Toby!" i stand up slowly to face him.

"I'm glad that you're home safe"

"Ya" i mumble "the girls a-"

"Yea, Em told me"

"Toby Listen i never meant t-"

"I know, i know you Spence, it was just a lot to take in all at once, i was more mad at the situation then at you. I was mad that I dragged you into the kirk mess and mad at Marco because he know we are together and took advantage of your drunken and broken state. I was mad for you about your mother. And i was hurt that you didn't think you could share it with me right away. You had to go into Welby and be thought of as crazy before you could tell me"

"I know Toby and i'm so sorry. I fucked up. Badly. And if i could go bacl, i'd do it different" i say honestly as i step closer to him.

"I know you would. Nobody is perfect Spence" he shoots me a small smile as he stands in front of me "i love you, and you have flaws and ways of coping a-"

"Don't give me an excuse what i did was totally wrong"

"Yes, yes it was" he starts as he holds my waist "but a wise woman once said 'there are strong people but even those strong people have their limits'" he quotes me from when i was consoling him after Yvonne died

"God i love you" i smile before kissing him.

"Promise to be honest with each other"

"I promise" i nod and my phone goes off.

From: Unkown
Glad you are ok.
First the shooting, then Welby, i'm so sorry Spence i wish i was there to give you a hug. But then again i could be cause i doubt there is any chance you Found out who i am

"No more secrets?" i ask

"No more secrets" he nods

"I've been getting these texts and i don't know who they are from" I hand him my phone

5 Years Too Late **Edited 2024** CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now