Chapter 20 : Get Out

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(Alexa, plays Leave (Get Out) by JoJo)


I am startled awake by the ringing of my phone.

I take in my surroundings and notice that I am cuddled up with Spencer and honestly couldn't be happier which is sick to say.

"Hello?" I mumble into the phone without looking at the name.

"Toby! Thank god you are ok. where are you?" Yvonne yell-asks and Spencer stirs in her sleep.

"I am at a friends" i lie, I definitely should've read the caller i.d.

I knew Spencer and I would have to talk about everything but not like this.

"Why?" She asks

"I drank a lot last night and i guess i called him and ended up here. I don't remember much" I fake a story

"Ok well give me the adress and i'll pick you up"

"No it's fine. I'll get him to drive me"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Honestly I have a massive headache and I just want to sleep some more. Is that okay?"

"Alright, ya that's fine as long as you're okay. You wouldn't happen to have seen Spencer have you?"

"No. I haven't seen her. Not since the pictures. Sorry"

"Ok. Thanks hun, you rest up and let me know when you're on your way. Love you"

"Love you too" i hang up

"You should go" Spencer says as she sits up.


"You have a life waiting for you. I'm sure it was fun playing free boy for a night and I promise i wont tell. Mostly because i am humiliated with myself"

"Spence i-"

"Save it Toby. Your fiancée is worried and waiting for you"

"They are all worried about you too"

"I'll find my way. Now go"

"No, we need talk about this"

"Talk about what Toby?"

"About us, about what we're gonna do"

"We've had this talk before, it didn't turn out great! We did this already Toby!" She yells sounding defeated

"It's different, things were complicated"

"Things arent exactly easy now! We have kids meaning no matter what happens we need to remain civil but it's hard to do that when we're sneaking off places having sex and acting like we're together when you have a fiancé and a baby on the way. Plus you chose her " she freaks

"Okay and I regret the situation! There I said it and I'm proud of it. What you said to me that day felt like a confirmation but it wasn't. Even though I'm scared of being hurt again I can't be with Yvonne. It's not want I want in the end anymore. I mean I would if I had no chance with you but I can't just sit here wondering what if"

She Scoffs "please don't say that"

"Why not?"

"Because Toby I want you, we have had this conversation many times. I want you so fucking bad and that's what lead to this second rendezvous but you won't leave her for me. Just like we have a family which will make us connected forever she has a family that you were part of and it'll be hard to just give that up, I can't ask you to"

5 Years Too Late **Edited 2024** CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now