Privaty - 1 (Unkind Maid)

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*While Privaty is cleaning a room at the Command Center, I rush in without knocking. I'm in a hurry and I urgently need her to lend a hand.*

Commander: Privaty, I need your help real quick!

Privaty: Eh? Y-Yes, Master. What do you need my help for?

Commander: Do the Moe Moe Hearty Love Sign!

*As I say without an ounce of embarassment, Privaty blushes deep red.*

Privaty: Wait, what?! Why would you want that now?!

Commander: Because I really need it right now!

Privaty: O-Okay, I don't know what's going on. Just don't get the idea that I'm doing this for you alright. Here goes nothing.

*She closes her eyes and fidgets about. Her hands bring up and make a lovely shape.*

Privaty: Moe Moe Hearty Love Sign! Kyuuu!

*While Privaty does the pose, I turn to the person watching behind me.*

Nihilister: .............

*Nihilister's mouth stays agape in pure shock. To be honest, I see this reaction coming.*

Privaty: !!!

Commander: And that's how you do it. Nihilister, still think you can pull this off?

Nihilister: You...I swear I'll...fine...FINE! I'll do it! This much of a challenge is nothing! I'm really going to do it! I'll wear that maid outfit and do the thing! I'm backing my words, you got that?!

Privaty: Hey! What's going on?! What is she doing here?! No, more importantly! Why are you showing this to her?!

Commander: It's the Flamboyant Dragon Maid Challenge.

Privaty: What kind of challenge is that?! Is this a punishment?! Is this happening because I sniff-I mean because I took too long in the laundry room the other day?!

Commander: Not at all, I love your heart sign. You totally nailed this as the Perfect Maid.

Privaty: *Blushing Deeply* !!! Master, stop making me swoon like this.

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