First Day In Hell

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I woke up the next day suddenly extremely nervous. It would be my first day in school. I knew I wasn't going to be popular. I didn't want to be.

 I got out of bed and went to take a shower. Each time I looked at my arms or stomach I'd notice the bruises. When I first saw them i jumped in the shower and actually tried to scrub them off. Like taking them away would erase the memory of what happened o me. Logan's voice snapped me back to reality

 "Hurry up Al we don't want to be late" I wrapped a towel around me and got out of the bathroom. I dried my hair and put on some baggy clothes a bit like yesterday. I didn't put make up, just brushed my hair and got my bag.

 "I'm done" I said walking to the kitchen where everyone was. Kyle glared at me and got out to the car and Logan walked over to me.

 "Come on let's go" he grabbed my hand but I pulled it back. Again he seemed to examine me, like he was trying to figure me out. I saw Susan give me a sympathetic look as Logan smiled and headed for the car. I followed him.

 "Can't she walk" I heard Kyle say as I reached the car, Logan punched his shoulder

 "Stop being an asshole" he said as I got in the back seat.

 "Whatever man" he shrugged and the drive was quiet till we reached school.

 "hey I'm Alex Mathews, the new girl" I said to the person outside the principal' office. She didn't even look up as she handed me a map of the school and my schedule. 

Finding my first class was easy it was just only a bit away from the principal's office. I took a deep breath as I put my hand on the knob and got in. Again the whole room went silent. God what was it about these people...I'm just the new student.

 "Oh yes you're the new student right?" The teacher asked, I nodded and handed her the paper I was supposed to give for the teachers to sign. She nodded and gestured for an empty seat in the back of the class. Perfect, no one would notice me in the back.

 "Ahem, looser" I heard a familiar voice fake-cough as the class snickered. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw it as Kyle. So that's how he wanted things. Fine.

I sat in class and listened silently as the teacher started explaining something about world war one. I just listened and waited for class to be over. As soon as the bell rang I was out and started searching for my locker.

 "Well, well well if it isn't the new little geek" I heard someone say. I turned and saw it was a guy with blond hair and blue eyes, he was obviously a jock and right next to him was Kyle. I tried to ignore them and took out the books I needed. "What cat got your tongue?" they all snickered including Kyle. What happened to him? he wasn't the same. Suddenly a feeling of nausea overwhelmed me. 

I turned away from them to leave but I felt a hand grab me and slam me against the locker.

 "Geek you leave when I tell you" The jock said but I wasn't listening, he was too close. I was too crammed up I started breathing heavily

 "Let me go" I said breathlessly as I tried to fight back the tears "Pl-please" the jock just laughed and tightened his grip on me. Suddenly a colder laughter rang in my head, as the image of the sneering man who raped me invaded my mind.

 "LET ME GO, LET ME GO, LET ME GOOO!!" I yelled as the tears came rushing down my face. I couldn't breathe as the images flooded in my head.

 "Tyler let her go." I heard Kyle say as I struggled against Tyler's grip "Look before the principal comes" Tyler finally let me go and I slid to the floor. Breathing heavily, not able to stop crying. I looked up to see Tyler and Kyle staring at me. I thought I saw pity and worry in Kyle's eyes but I was wrong. If he did care he wouldn't have stepped back and watched this.

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