Chapter 6| All The Swoosh, and The Fiery Stuff?

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~ Zack's P.O.V~

" Calm down. It's ok." I said trying to make her breathing pattern normal again. She looked she was about to die.

" Calm down?! How am I supposed to calm down when I just found out that you're...? Whatever you are!" She shot back.

" Wait, so you don't know you have some sort of... ability?" I questioned, feeling weird.

" Well, I do... but it's nothing like yours. Yours is all fire and stuff. I'm... uh... I actually don't know what I am." She blurted out. " Well, all I know is that I can sort of... control people's minds?"

" Uh... You're like me then, A Supernatural."

" Wait... so I have powers like you? All the swoosh, and the fiery stuff?" She exclaimed in an excited tone.

I chuckled. " Not exactly, love. You're probably one with a different ability."

" Hey, don't call me that..." She said, blushing, and a smile was brought to my lips.

" Fine. But can we at least be friends?" I smiled.

" Ok, sure. I'm Kayla." She said enthusiastically.

" Well, Kayla, come over whenever you want, then. We'll stay here for now, and then we can head off to the other Supernaturals. Prepare to go to Supernatural Abilities." I smirked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

" So... other... Supernaturals. That's what I am. So what..." But I interrupted her.

" I'll explain when we get to Supernatural Abilities. It's where you'll learn how to use your powers, as well as meet other Supernaturals." I laughed as she looked at me in confusion.

What worries me is that she can control minds.

~ Kayla's P.O.V.~

As I walked around the corner, I could see my mom. I was so relieved. But wait, she was standing outside, just staring at me. That meant that there was something she was worried about. I walked over to her and she had this look on her face, a look that I couldn't tell the mood of. I stopped and looked for a second. She was not moving at all, not even blinking! I ran over and as soon as I looked at her, I could tell she wasn't even conscious.

" Mom? MOM! Mom, can you hear me?" I asked. No reply. She was frozen stiff. " MOM!" my eyes were starting to tear up. I suddenly stared around at our surroundings, then to mom. " Mom?" I said shakily. I was really crying now. My eyes were red and I felt many tears were rolling down my face.

I stared around in disbelief. I finally decided I needed to go into my home and find out what had happened.

The house was completely untouched. Now I was starting to get really curious. How was all this possible? I didn't even know what it was.

I ran up to my room, still crying silently, to find a solution. But I get to the door of my room and I see something that makes the situation so much more intense. Sushi, on the floor... frozen stiff.

I was alone.

I wouldn't take it anymore.

I ran down the stairs, crying hysterically.

Next thing I knew, I was running flat out to Zack's house. I got there in what felt like a minute, and knocked on the door frantically. I was trying to hold myself together, but as soon as the door to his house opened, and I saw his face, I started to cry again.

~Zack's P.O.V.~

" What's wrong?" I said in a worried voice.

" My mom... I came home and..." But she couldn't even continue her sentences.

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