Chapter 41| I Will Profusely Stab You To DEATH with a BLUNT BUTTER-KNIFE!

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~Kayla's P.O.V.~

The bustling noise of a Cafeteria is definitely something you don't want to wake up to. Yet I find myself here on one of the tables, with my friends, overwhelmed with the scent of food, and ignoring the sound pollution being made just to eat a bite.

I'm just about to dig into the first half of my Nutella sandwich, when Zack decides to make a quick grab, taking the half I was about to eat and eating it whole. But...?

I look up at him with a completely surprised look. " You... and... what... Nutella?" I slur like a child, shocked by the fact that a human being could be so cruel.

" You should really put your defenses up, Shorty." Zack says with a smirk, still chewing on my now dead Nutella sandwich.

" Ate... I... but... MY NUTELLA!" I shout at him, turning to face him, my insides fuming. HE ATE MY POOR NUTELLA SANDWICH!

Before he can react, I speak. I am so livid. " No, you listen here. I'm eating, and then YOU decide to come and swipe MY sandwich from ME, WHEN I WAS EATING! You are on my last nerve, seriously... And mark my words, if you EVER try to take my food again, I will profusely stab you to DEATH with a BLUNT BUTTER-KNIFE!"

By the end of my rant, he looks completely stunned and terrified. I sit back with a victorious smirk and turn back to the rest, who look like they're trying to hold in their laughter.

" So, where were we?"

With that, everyone bursts out laughing, and I join in soon. It's contagious, so stop blaming me!

" Remind me never to get on your bad side again, Shortcake." Zack chuckles, finally recovering from his state.

" I won't, sorry 'bout that." I smile at the yet again new nickname. " But why Shortcake?"

He smiles back. " It's a combination of 'Shorty', and, since you like Nutella, which is sweet, I chose 'Cake', hence the name Shortcake." He says proudly. " Oh and I didn't say 'Shortnutella' 'cause it just sounds stupid; the next best thing is cake. That is going to be your most common nickname."

I turn back to the group, who are now speaking to each other. " Guys, what are we doing today?"

Isla turned to me. " Cole spoke to Darien yesterday night; she says we can get back on track, even though we've missed a lot, but we can take it at our own pace. Don't push yourself." She clears out, " Today we're doing Theory."

I nod understandingly, " So we learn about our element?"

She shakes her head. " Today it's about level. You're taking a lesson about how to get at the person who you're fighting; basically, how to win a fight easily, how to find your partner's weakness, stuff like that." I nod again, this time sure of what we're doing.

And then, Zack decides to swoop down and take my other half of Nutella sandwich.

Oh, his life just got way more screwed then it originally was.


Sorry that was short!


I'll be updating another chapter TODAY!


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