Chapter 22| Cringe

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Hello my little people!

Well, not so little...

Anywho, I have a surprise for you and I wanted you all to try and guess. It'll be after I finish this series though...

Onto a different matter, I've developed a love (well, sort of an addiction!) to Werewolves and stories about them. I started to read this one story, and now I'm obsessed with them. They're AMAZING! I SWEAR I DON'T KNOW WHERE I'D BE IF I HADN'T READ THAT ONE STORY!

Ok, I finished my fan girl moment.

Special thanks to @mommashifter for your stories. I read a few and... just wow. I love her writing!

I advise you, go check it out.

On with the story!

And just know this is where the chaos really starts...


~Kayla's P.O.V.~

I groan, shifting in my sleep...

Well, at least I think I'm sleeping.

" Do you think she'll be fine?"

" She's strong, she will be."

" Guys, she's ok, stop it or I'll cry."

" Do you think—"

" She's waking up!"

I cringe as the bright rays of light hit me right in the face, and I can just make out a few worried faces. Isla, Caleb, Cole, Will... Wait, where am I?

I prop myself up on my elbows and look around. I can smell Antiseptic, and everyone is standing on the sides of my bed.

Then the events of the test return to my head. Losing all that blood, seeing my dead family members, and my memories. My vision suddenly blurred with tears, but I hold them back.

" Hey..." Will says walking up to me. He puts a hand over mine, and before he can register what I'm doing, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a fierce hug. He's surprised at first, but quickly registers and wraps his arms around my back. I bury my face into his shoulder and let a few tears slip out of my eyes and soak his shirt.

" I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm so sorry." I mumbled into his shirt.

" About what?"

I pulled back and sat straight up in the hospital bed. " Dad and Meghan."

His face fell, then he looked back up, trying to find his words, but Cole stepped up and spoke in a quiet voice. " We... we didn't expect you to tell us right away, its bad enough you had to see it."

I smiled weakly and spoke again, " Where's Zack?"

" He's on the bench outside, he said he couldn't see you like this. Oh! Which reminds me, I'll go get him." Caleb said before walking out of the room.

I smiled at everyone before removing the covers and getting out of bed. I nearly fell when I put pressure on my legs, but I held onto the side of the bed. There were stitches running all the way up my thigh and they were covered in bandages. It looked quite painful, and I think they probably gave me the strongest of painkillers to make the pain subside. I removed the IV attached to my wrist let out a deep breath.

Just as I looked up again, the door burst open. And in ran Zack with Caleb right behind him.

He sprinted right up to me and grabbed me with so much force that I stumbled back a few steps.

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