Chapter 21| Both Small

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I wrote a new chapter. Sorry it's been long, I'm having problems with Internet, so I've made this one extra long for you. Hope you like it!


~Kayla's P.O.V.~

Slowing down time, I ran down the corridor, catching up to Cole, who was around the corner. I drove a wave of Telekinesis towards the Chaser, and it was slammed against the wall.

Motionless on the ground, I jumped over its corpse... And got to Cole, who was standing there, his hands on his knees, catching his breath.

" I think that's it." I huffed out.

" No. If they planned the attack, they must have known to bring more than a dozen Chasers in."

I looked around. The Sirens were blaring, and my vision was distorted in shock of the events that happened all too quickly. I had no idea how they got in, but I was about to find out.

"We need serious help."

Cole looked over at me. " But everyone's been told to stay put in their rooms, none of them know we're out here."

" That's the thing."

We walked up the corridor, and he grabbed my hand and held onto it tightly. I could sense something wasn't right, what it was, though, I didn't know.

And suddenly, as though an answer to my continuous questions, a clump of rock came hurdling down the corridor which was at a ninety degree angle from ours, and burst straight through it's walls. I was pulled by my hand into the corner behind a row of shelves, and Cole pulled me around the waist and stood there, trying not to breath.

" We need more backup." I heard Darien's voice down the corridor, and relaxed, pulling myself free from Cole's hold, and coming out of our hiding spot to help Darien.

And as Cole and I advanced to where we heard the voice come from, the shuffling of Darien's footsteps stopped. Except it wasn't Darien in front of us now. It was yet another chaser. And as quickly as it came, it vanished. I turned to look at Cole as our eyes darted around in fear.

I was about to speak, when Cole's eyes widened, and a hand was put on my mouth and nose, constricting my breathing.

" Kayla."

As he's about to come over and help, another Chaser comes from behind him, knocking him out with a large rock and his Telekinesis.

" Kayla!"

He falls to the ground, unconscious, blood pouring out of a large gash in his head. I scream and try to get to him, but I am held back, and my scream is muffled against the Chaser's hand. I begin to loose my consciousness from the lack of Oxygen.


I wake up with a start, sweating and breathing heavily. I put my head in my hands. What was that?

" Are you ok?"

I look up to see Isla with a concerned look on her face, and remember last night's events. I had gone to the room Isla slept in, as she was now my roommate, and literally passed out asleep.

" Yeah, just a dream."

She raised an eyebrow. " You were muttering all sorts of stuff... are you sure you're fine."

" Yeah."

" Good, because its time or your test."


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