Chapter 51| I Got You

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~Kayla's P.O.V.~

" Please s-stop."

" Shut up."

He punches me repeatedly in the face then grabs my wrists, digging his nails into my skin, and dragging me over to the bathroom. He opens a steady stream of water, filling the sink before pushing my head in the sink forcefully, causing me to bite down on my cheek, hard. I feel the blood fill my mouth as some seeps into the water, making it dark red. He pulls my head out as I'm about to pass out, and I wheeze and cough. Why, why?

" If you tell anyone about this, you'll be at my feet begging for your death."

He does it again repeatedly before pushing me into the bathroom floor, leaving abruptly.

I get up with much difficulty, looking in the mirror, and realize I look like I was involved in a war. My face is destroyed, yet my body is still worse. It's starting to hurt when I do certain things, and my mouth fills with blood way too quickly. I'll have to cope with it in some way, because that blood isn't stopping soon.

Once we're done with our training, I reapply my coverage so that my bruises don't show, and head off to the room; I'm not in the mood for food. Honestly, I've been gulping down the blood. Yes, I almost threw up a few times, but It was the only way.

Soon, our group has filed into my room, and this time I've made sure to hide all signs of what Damon does to me.

We sit for a while before Isla taps my shoulder.

" When's your birthday?"

" Still next year on April 6th."

She smiles, " Such a baby." She elbows me in the stomach jokingly, but she hits a large, painful bruise, and I gag, coughing out all the blood in my mouth, which was a lot.

Her hand flies over her mouth. " Oh my god! Kayla I'm--"

I get up and stumble into the bathroom, coughing out more and more from the large gash in my mouth. Once it stops, I realize that my chin is covered in blood, and so is my shirt. I turn to see everyone staring at me with gaping expressions. I wipe the blood off my mouth.

" Guys..."

" Kayla, what the hell was that?!" Will looks crazed.

" Nothing, nothing, it's fine--"

" You just coughed up blood! I don't--"

" I bit on my cheek! It's no big deal! Now out!" I push everyone out of the bathroom with their still gob smacked faces. I wash my face, covering up the spots of erased foundation. I walk out into the room to face the immediate protest.

" Kayla--"

" Enough, it's just a bit of blood. I cut my cheek; I bit it. It's fine. You guys need to trust me! I swear. It doesn't hurt." Lies. Lies!

" I'm going to 'believe' you for your sake, but just know that I don't." Will scowls into thin air.

" Wow William, feeling the love, brother."

He smiles lightly before pulling me into his side. " Are you sure you don't need anything?"

" Sure."

That seems to be what everyone was waiting for, because all the activity resumes.

I sit there, completely dumbfounded by how oblivious these people are.

~Cole's P.O.V.~

I feel it before I see it.

The bile rises in my throat as I call out for Alexandra, telling her to hand me the trash. She's just on time, giving it to me as I throw up. I feel her hand caress my back.

" It's all part of the healing process. It's ok, baby." She's left Lucas outside for his wellbeing. He shouldn't see me like this.

Just as I've cleaned up, Lucas comes in with the last person I expected to see.


" He was terrified and I thought I'd be a good aunt and calm him, don't you think?" She mumbles, carrying him up onto the bed, where he hugs me tightly.

" A-are you ok, d-daddy?" He frowns.

" I'm great, Bubba." I kiss his nose as he giggles, grabbing my finger in his hand.

" I like Kayla, she's the best aunt ever."

Kayla puts a hand on her heart and smiles. " Awe!"

I look up expectantly. " So I'm forgiven?"

She glares at me before breaking out into a ghost of a smile. " We'll work through it. Earn my trust back."

I chuckle. " I got you."

Things are definitely looking up.


Little does he knowwww....


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