Chapter 9| When You're The Most Awkward Human Being on The Planet

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~Kayla's P.O.V.~

I opened the car door, stepped out, and found myself standing in front of a huge, cream-colored house. " Amazing, isn't it?" I heard Zack's voice say from behind me.

" This is beautiful..." I say. Lara started to run to the front door, and Zack and I lagged behind. For a moment his black eyes caught my contact-covered ones, but as we walked, I looked away, blushing madly.

" Here we are." Zack said when we reached the front door. He rang the doorbell and waited for a few seconds, and then the door opened. An extremely pretty woman stood there, a few years older than us judging by her face, and when she saw Zack she smiled widely.

" Zack! It's been so long!" She said happily as she gave him a hug. A man walked to the doorway from inside the house and stood next to the woman.

" Chris!" Zack exclaimed.

I've grown used to the idea of no attention, to be honest. It utterly mesmerizes me when people seem to have such strong relationships together that they actually miss each other. It's stupid, funny actually, how people don't seem to know what they have until they lose it. I know it sounds utterly cliché, but it's true. I suffered the traumatizing experience of losing a father, and the thought that I may never see my mother again scares me.

People take what they have for granted, thinking that they'll wake up everyday and it'll just be there. Little do they know that they could lose everything in the blink of an eye, and the only people who understand this are the people who see their life flash before their eyes.

I snap myself out of the depressing thoughts that I've drowned myself in for the past few days, and pay my attention back to the people speaking.

" Hey! Where have you been!" the man replied. But his smile slightly faded when he saw me. Apparently, none of them had caught sight of me until now.

" And who's this?" the man gave me a gaze.

" I..." I had no idea how to tell him how Zack and I ended up becoming friends.

But thankfully, Zack continued my sentence for me, " I can't believe I finally have a chance to say this, but here it goes. She's another one us. You know... a..." and then in a mere mumble, he continued, "Supernatural."

Chris's smile returned again and his tone was softer when he spoke again, " It's amazing to finally meet you! Zack has been looking everywhere for you!" Zack smiled nervously at me.

" What do you mean?" My brows furrow.

" We'll talk inside." Zack said hurriedly, before Chris could continue. The two stood aside to let us in.

It was like a mansion on the inside. The glass ceiling allowed rays of the warm sun to litter the floor, and in the middle of it was a huge fountain with crystal clear water in flowing from it's pebbled funnel.

On the left was a door to a huge living room, and on the right, an indoor pool! I looked around, open mouthed, when Zack tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around and he said, " You lot haven't been properly introduced. This is Vanessa..." He pointed at the woman, and then continued, " Vanessa, This is Kayla."

" You probably already know Chris's name, since I said it out loud..."

" So, you're the... you know..." Vanessa said, looking cautiously at Lara.

" Yeah, I am..." I replied, still confused about how they knew Zack would be here with a Supernatural.

" I'm loving your hair!" she said as she eyed my wavy brown hair. Her gaze trailed along my face, and her mouth opens when her eyes caught mine, but I was used to this reaction; my eyes are a 'rare' kind of blue, more like fake though.

When I was younger, my mom had to get lenses custom made for me because I was insecure about the way people were afraid of me because of my eyes. Most lenses would show if you looked closely, but these are a soft textured blue; no sharp lines or irregular colors, as well as the fact that the edges blend in with the whites of my eyes.

" And the eyes..." Vanessa murmured when she had finally snapped back into focus.

" Hey, follow me upstairs. Sorry guys, we'll meet at dinner, right now, we've got something to do." Zack grabbed my wrist and led me to the stairs.

"Just let me get one thing straight. Am I going to have to cope with nicknames?" I asked, cringing at the thought.

" What? You stopped me from calling you love, so judging by that, you'll have to wait and see..." I smiled at him as we got to the second floor.

He led me to a big room at the beginning of the corridor. We sat down and just stared at each other awkwardly and smiled for a second, not knowing what to talk about. Zack then decided to break the silence as he said, once more quite awkwardly, " Your eyes are beautiful... I mean, the color..." he gave me a crooked smile which made me grin back.

" Um... Sorry I didn't tell you, but these are not my real eyes, they're lenses." But before he could ask why, I continued, " My real eyes are a really... supernatural color, and everyone is scared of them, even though I love them. I've always been told they were a mystery by my... my parents." I sighed. Oh how I wish mom and dad were here to tell me that every single day.

" Wait, so what color are they?" he inquired.

" That is a mystery." I wiggled my eyebrows and he smirked at me. "I don't want to scare you, so I'll show you when we get to Supernatural Abilities, since most of you there might be like me."

" Grey?" he guessed.

I smile and tilt my head, " No. But just one thing. Why were you telling me that about this eye color?" I said, pointing to my eyes.

He blushes and says, " Actually, I don't... really know... well... I... j-just telling you..." I love it when he stutters.

~Zack's P.O.V.~

" So, I just wanted to make sure you're ok. And if there's anything you want, or if anything is bothering you, come to me." I say when I regain confidence.

" Yeah, I'm fine... just hungry." She says as she let's her hair loose, patting her stomach. I laugh. She's so adorable. Then it hit me like a pile of rocks.

I... I like her.


I finally used Zack's P.O.V. to tell you how he really feels! YAY, SURPRISE! Sorry 'bout not posting long, hope you like it.

Now You See Me... Now You Don't...  ✔(Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora