Chapter 13| So... What Happened?

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I know, I know, I am a horrible author! I haven't updated for a long time and I am sorry, but I do hope you like this chapter! I worked a lot on the ideas, so I hope you enjoy!


~Zack's P.O.V.~

I heard the bell for the last class ring from inside the small room, and without warning, I got up and left. You must be thinking, ' Oh, so this is one of those cliché stories where the guy who nearly got beat to death is suddenly healed!' but there, I stop you.

You see... there's this creature called a Persopulus (Persopula being the female form), a creature so rare and powerful, and no one has even sighted one in the last century. It's close to a Witch or a Banshee, but the power it possesses is beyond any other.

My mother's death wish to her best friend, who was a Persopula herself, was to cast a spell to shield me from death until I turned a legally adult age, eighteen. She did it, of course, only seconds before she, too, was shot and killed by hunters of her kind.

See, once you kill any type of Persopuli, you earn ultimate immortality, showing—

Why do I keep getting off the subject?!

As soon as I was outside, I saw Kayla running towards me. " Well, you're happy to see me." I said with a broad smirk.

" Uh, duh." she said with a half smile (she didn't even object! IT'S A MIRACLE!), then continued, " So... what happened?"

"It's the rib, and a fracture in my leg, but I don't really feel that anything is wrong with the leg, the rib is worse." I said quickly.

" You broke a rib?! Let me see..." she said, and got down on her knees and pulling down the stupid brace. She pulled up my shirt and instantly saw where it was, because it was bruised.

As soon as she touched it, I felt my skin burn, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. But that amazing feeling was replaced with pain as she pushed a bit harder to see if it would hurt. I winced in pain, and she automatically let go and got up. " Oh... sorry..." She said, trying to avoid my eyes. " Um... let's... let's go..." she said awkwardly. You just had to wince? Couldn't you hold it in? Well, great job, Zack, just great, you just ruined that one moment, which will probably never come around again!

The whole way back, Kayla was fidgeting and stayed completely quiet. What did I do?

As soon as Chris opened the door, Kayla ran straight upstairs without a word said. " Is she ok?" he asked me curiously.

" I don't know." I said, and with that, I ran upstairs to see what had happened.

~Kayla's P.O.V.~

I ran into my bedroom and sat down on my bed, binding my legs closely to my chest. My eyes were stinging and I was trying to hold back my tears. I felt pain, and I didn't know why. But I was going to find out.

~ Zack's P.O.V.~

I ran into her room and saw her holding her legs close to her chest, and she was shaking. " Oh my god... what happened?" I said.

" Help... please, help me, Zack..." she said, and I had a feeling she had no idea what she was saying.

" What's wrong...?" I said as clearly as I could.

" I don't know." she said with great difficulty, and that's when it was clear to me. Something was badly wrong.

" No. No, no, no, no..." she said, staring straight ahead, and a sense of great worry spread through me. " No. No! Stop! STOP! Make it stop, please, Zack!" She whimpered. Chris and Vanessa ran into the room.

" What's happening?" Chris asked worriedly, but he was interrupted by an ear-piercing scream that made my insides crumble. Whatever was happening to her, it was evidently affecting me, because I felt a tear roll down my cheek at that precise moment.

~Kayla's P.O.V.~

I woke up in my bed, covered with a warm blanket, to see Zack dipping a cloth into a water basin. He must have realized my eyes were open when he turned around, because he looked at me.

"Oh, you're awake..." He said with a half smile. " Here, this will make you feel a bit more awake" He wiped the cloth across my face, which did make me feel better.

He walked up next to me, still smiling. He put one hand on my cheek and used one hand to smooth down my hair. I don't know why, but I actually felt good when he did that. " You're burning up." He said, walking back to the water basin and putting the cloth inside.

" What..." I started, but Zack interrupted me.

" Shhh..." He said, putting a finger on my lips, " You just get some rest." He continued with a smile. Honestly, that's all I wanted to do. Just slip into the darkness, with no care in the world.

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