Chapter 37| Ariella

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If any of you are confused as to who Catherine is, she's Ariella's Chaser!


~Kayla's P.O.V.~

Only half an hour left. Out of thirteen. And honestly, I'm exhausted. Melissa offered to drive the rest of the way, and I openly accepted. Now I'm trying to get some sleep, because I haven't had any in a day. The last think I remember is an unidentified uneasy feeling, before I drifted off into darkness.

~Catherine's P.O.V.~

I trot down the stairs, giddy as I see Ariella's dad sitting on the couch, watching television.

My black eyes roamed the room, taking in my surroundings, and seconds later, my eyes focused on my victim.

I am going to hurt you so bad.

" Oh, hey Ariella. How are—What happened to you?" His eyes visibly widen when I give a simple yet creepy smile.

" Not Ariella, it's Catherine, old man." I feel Ariella surface. She's panicked. I've never revealed myself in front of her father.

" Dad, run!" She screams as my eyes flicker between her bright green ones and my original soulless black ones. She's trying to gain dominance. Nope, can't do that, Ariella.

I push her back quickly as I advance on her father. That's when I feel a powerful surge, and I have no choice but to give in to Ariella. How is she doing this? That's my last thought before I'm yet again contained.

~Kayla's P.O.V.~

" Kayla. Kayla?" Melissa's shaky voice focuses in my head.

I open my eyes slowly and realize we've reached our destination.

Paradise, Ohio.

I look up at the big house before me as I open the door, and I'm about to knock, but I see Melissa's eyes filled with tears and regret. I immediately understand.

"I'll go in and tell her about it all, then you can come after." I reassure her, and she hesitantly nods. I adjust my sunglasses on my nose as I walk up, reluctant at first, but soon knocking on the door.

There's shuffling on the other side, and a few seconds later an older man somewhere in his early forties stands there with a blank face.

" What do you want?"

" I'm here to see Ariella Thomson, sir. I'm a friend."

He eyes me suspiciously, " You don't look her age..."

I smile. " I just needed to speak with her about something at school."

He frowns at me, and then nods. " Fine. Come in, but I'm watching you."

I walk into the basic house, sitting on the small couch. I hear the man, Ariella's father I presume, calling her name and telling her to come downstairs. I feel a little nervous as I hear rapid footsteps coming from the stairs, but I push it to the back of my mind. I make sure my glasses are properly covering my eyes, and she finally steps onto the ground floor.

I look right into her sparkly emerald eyes as they widen with confusion, her red hair in a high ponytail. I smile and usher her over. She sits opposite me with an even more confused look. I have a sudden urge to leave, so I get it over with before I can.

" Listen, I know what you are." Her eyes widen, but she stays quiet. " I just want you to know that you're needed a lot where I come from, and you need to come with me."

She looks at me with shocked eyes. " How... how--"

" I'm just like you."

She scrambles off the couch and starts to run. She took it the wrong way.

" Wait! Look at me." She slowly turns around and I look down at the ground, finally taking off my glasses. She still can't see my eyes, but I need to speak first.

" I'm not a Chaser." She lets out an audible breath. " I'm Corrupted."

" Wait... You're Kayla Prior?" she asks, excitement evident in her voice.

" Yeah." I smile.

" What ability do you have?"

I look up at her, revealing my eyes, and she gasps.

We both know what she wants to say, but we just stay quiet.

But I need to break the silence. " I have someone you may want to see."

She cocks her head, " Who?"

I get off the couch and walk out the open door, telling Ariella to stay put. I race to the car where Melissa is waiting nervously, and pull her by the arm as forcefully as I can. I pull her inside the house and oush her towards Ariella before she can even register what's happening.

And they jut stare.

They stare at each other for what seems like hours, emotions running through their eyes like a waterfall.

And honestly, it's starting to get awkward.

" Uh..." I start randomly, and they both look up at me. I swear it's like looking at twins. " I guess you guys just... yeah... That..."

They both wear identical looks that say, ' Why the hell is she here?' I just give a sheepish smile and scratch the back of my neck.

" So I guess we should get going?" Melissa speaks.

" Yeah..." I say, and make a move to the door, but Ariella interrupts.

" Wait... Can my dad come?"

I give her a surprised look. " He can't--"

" He knows."

" Wait... He knows about all this?"

She looks a bit hesitant, " Yeah."

Well, great, ok.

" Dad!" She calls. As soon as he comes in, I notice he isn't the same man that opened the door for me. He looks indescribably familiar.

He cocks his head, " Kayla?"

My eyes widen as I suddenly feel it all coming back to me. How...?

" Uncle Damon?"



What you think???

Huh, huh, huh???

Tell MEEE!

- Lena

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