Chapter 36| Are You, Like, Rich?

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~Kayla's P.O.V.~

" Melissa. Melissa, wake up." I shake her shoulders and she finally stirs.

Her eyes peel open. " Are we there yet?"

I laugh at her dazed state. " No. We're three hours in. Only ten to go though! Yeah!" I said an overenthusiastic tone, sarcasm lining my words.

She rubs her eyes and sits up, " Why have we stopped?"

Leaning through the open door is starting to get uncomfortable. " We've stopped in Wisconsin because I found this huge place full of restaurants and food."

That seems to get Melissa perked up. Her eyes widen. " Well what are you waiting for? Let's go!" She opens the door, and thankfully I parked in an empty isle so that the doors wouldn't kill someone else's car.

She rushes in, and I trail after her, putting on my Wayfarer sunglasses. I'm going to have to wear them so that people won't be suspicious about my eyes. We walk into the heavily air-conditioned 'mall'. It was too small to be called a mall.

I could feel people's eyes on us, but I brushed it off. I mean why wouldn't they stare, we're awesome! I mentally laugh as we walked into McDonald's, Melissa's choice, of course.

We order our meals and wait in line, Melissa giddy. I laugh aloud at her this time, and she glares, but it just makes me laugh more. We're in the front of the line, waiting for our order, when a group of three boys walk in. And they just happen to be talking about my baby.

" Dude, did you see that Ferrari parked outside?" one starts, and the other replies.

" The Ferrari Enzo? Yeah, it's so cool!"

The third one speaks up. " Who do you thin owns it."

I decide to mess with them a little. " Right here." I say, putting my hand up and turning around to look at them.

They stare at me with wide eyes, unreadable expressions on their faces, until one of them speaks. " You aren't serious, are you?"

I pull out the keys and wave them in front of their faces.

" Nope."

They gawk at me, and as we grab our order to eat in the car, they stop us, asking all sorts of questions.

" Where did you get it?"

" How did you save the money?"

" Are you, like, rich?"

I give them all a deadly look and they shut up. " Listen, you don't want to mess with me." I slide my glasses down the bridge of my nose so that my eyes are visible. They cower back in confusion and fear. And I smile wider.

" See you 'round."

I walk out of the door with Melissa, who's smiling.

" Did you see their faces?"

I smile evilly. " I scared them good, huh?"

" Uh, yeah you did." She says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I laugh as we make our way back into the car, and I see the sun is already down

Maybe this won't be such a long day.

~Ariella's P.O.V.~

It's always been scary.

To be consumed by another soul. You never know if you're harming anyone. I've always feared Catherine, but in some way she's my companion. It's hard to explain.

She inflicts more harm on me than on other people, though. I've internally bled a few times, but that's only in extreme cases. The worst thing is that my father doesn't know. He can't help me. And neither can anyone else.

I can feel Catherine nagging to get out, and I try to push her back, but I know that soon I'll have to let her through. I should probably spare myself from the pain. I let go and fall into darkness.

~Isaac's P.O.V~

We sit in silence.


It's a good kind of silence, not an awkward one. Kristina's fallen asleep on Evan, it wasn't on purpose, but we still can't believe it. She's not that open.

It's not that unnerving, but I have a strange feeling; like something is happening that I don't know about. What it is? It's unclear. Before I can think straight though, I feel sleep consume me.

~Catherine's P.O.V.~

It feels great to be out.

Smart girl, Ariella is, allowing me out before I hurt her. I admire her thoughts. Not that I listen in on them... Who am I kidding? We all know I'm a psychopath!

More importantly, who's my next victim?

I haven't tried to get at someone for a while now...

Idea! ... How about her dad?


Sorry it was short!

I hope you liked it! I certainly did! (For once!)

Comment and vote! Give me requests on what you want me to write about!

- Lena

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