Chapter 28| Help

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" Energy." I say, amused.

That's actually really cool.

" It's going to be really interesting to work with, there are so many places where you can channel your energy, not to mention other people's... You want to start now?" Kristina asks.

My head snaps up and I smile. Oh my god, this is the coolest thing ever!

" So... what do you want to try first?"

" Uh... Oh, I want to try the energy control with human energy." She gives me a confused look. " Controlling other people." She nods.

" I want to teach you Human Energy Manipulation from the outside, so you can basically control someone with your hands and mind."

I look at my hands. " That sounds... cool."

Well... It sounds inhumane to me. It's cruel, controlling the blood-flow and energy of another person. It should hurt, and I don't want to be the cause of something that... horrible.

" Ok, let's start." too late.

Kristina leads me to the center of the room.

" Ok, I'm going to try and experiment with you, see how all this works." She holds out her hands, showing me what to do, and I mimic her actions. " So, what we're trying to do is visualize the blood or energy flow moving, and doing what you want it to do. Make an image in your brain, push your mind towards looking deeper into the human systems, and sort of wrap your Energy around every cell, get the body to do what you want it to do."

I nod nervously. How am I going to try this?

" So... who do you want me to try it on?"

" Let's see... Hmmm... Ooh, your brother!" why exactly? What if I hurt him?

I frown, " Uh, ok... Will!"

I see a flash of auburn hair from the other end of the room. Will comes running towards us, stopping in front of me with a smile.

" What's up, sis?"

" I need your help."

" With what?"

" Uh... I want to try something on you... Do you mind?"

He chuckled and pulled me into him. " Not at all, Kay."

I laugh and pull away. " So, can you just stand still for me?"

He stands still and I look at Kristina, who's smiling, and start. I imagine his arms moving up and down, and after about two minutes, they start to do just that.

" Whoa, this is so freaking cool!" Will laughs, and I join. It is pretty awesome.

" Do it again! Come on!" He eggs me on, and I chuckle before making him walk up to me, my energy seeping through his body.

" Oh my... Wow!" He ruffles my hair and I laugh.

" Yeah, yeah, ok." I nod.

Then Kristina speaks up. " Now I want you to try vocal control, all you have to do is imagine what you want him to say and just feel the energy, you know what I mean?"

I nod and turn back to Will to try what she suggested, but I couldn't focus enough. After about five minutes, I gave up.

" I need more quiet and focus."

" Do you want to go practice in another room?"

I look over at Will, who nods, and Kristina leads us out of the room. We go down the row of colored doors, and after the red one, probably Fire, there's a wooden door. Kristina opens it, and we walk in.

It's a dimly lit room with white walls, and its small. It's also completely empty.

" If you need me, I'll be back in the Unknown practice room." And with that, Kristina leaves.

I position Will in front of me and walk backwards so I'm about ten feet away from him. I close my eyes, focusing my energy on his vocal chords, but I feel something else happening, and I can feel a lot of energy flowing through me.

There's a sudden yell in pain, and I snap my eyes open to see Will on the floor, clutching his throat and coughing. I can still feel too much energy in me, and it won't stop, even when I try to stop it.

I run over to Will, pulling his head up so he'll look at me. His face is really pale.

" Will? Talk to me, what's wrong?!"

" Kayla--"

He's cut off when he coughs violently, and a red sickly substance erupts from his throat, spraying the floor and my clothes. The energy won't stop... It just won't. What's happening to him?!

Suddenly, a gash opens up in his upper arm, and blood seeps out. I'm a monster...

" WILL! Help, someone help!" But no one hears me.

The energy stops, but Will is still bleeding, and he's fading fast.

" Will, stay with me, please stay awake... come on." I say weakly, and tears form in my eyes.

" HELP! SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE!" I shout out, and I don't know if anyone heard me, but they better have.

I scream at the top of my lungs when I feel the energy start up again, completely out of my control now, and the blood comes faster. I'm struggling to keep Will awake.

There's a knock on the door, and an unfamiliar voice speaks. " Are you ok in there?"

I'm desperate now. " Please! Help me! Help!" I shout out to the voice.

The door bursts open, and a dirty blonde-haired, black-eyed man comes in. A Fire.

He looks frozen. " Help! Please! HELP HIM!" I shout, and the energy stops again. Will is barley conscious.

He seems to snap back to reality, and runs out of the room, shouting, " Zack! Quick, come over here, NOW!"

I cradle Will's head in my arms, crying, and rock myself back and fourth... by now he's unconscious.

All of a sudden, Zack runs through the door, and I look up at him with pleading eyes.

" Help."


Shoot, that was a bad end.

Sorry :)

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- Lena

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