Apologizing and allowing

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Tenley's pov-

I woke up and checked my phone it said 3:00. I had two new messages. One from Keegan and one from Scotty.

'Your dad came here looking for you. Are you alright. Call me, I miss and love you.' -Keegan.

'Are you okay?! I need to hear from you, please call or text me, I'm begging you. I love you.' -Scotty.

I sighed and went to take a shower to get my mind off things. Once I was out I just kept thinking if I love Scotty then what am I going to tell Keegan. I really like Keegan and don't want to hurt him, but I don't love him, I love Scotty. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, "Tenley?" I hear dads pleading voice. I turned around, I know I should still be mad at him for doing what he did but I love him, and I've always been a Daddy's girl. I ran over to him and hugged him, "I'm so sorry baby." He said into my hair. I pulled away, "I love you Tenley." He kissed my forehead. "I called Scotty and invited him over, your mom and I have to talk to the two of you." I was surprised when he said that so I just nodded and hugged him again.

Caroline's pov-

I walked in to see Tenley and Luke hugging. I walked over to them, "That's a happy sight." I said smiling. They pulled away from each other and Tenley went to the fridge, and got a water bottle. Luke sat down on a stool at the island so I sat on his lap. The three of us talked while the boys were still napping. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 4:00. "I ought ta start dinner." I said getting up and getting the chicken ready to be put in the oven.

*Half an hour passed by*

I heard the door bell ring, and saw Tenley run to the door to answer it.

Luke's pov-

I slowly followed Tenley to the door, knowing it was Scotty. She opened the door and jumped into his arms, they hugged for a few minutes and I cleared my throat. "Sorry Mr Bryan." And they let go of each other. "I'm gonna go see if the boys are awake, why do you two go into the kitchen where Caroline is." I suggested so they did.

I ran up the stairs and went to Tate's room first he was still curled up in a ball dead to the world. I walked over to him sat down on the floor next to his bed, and started shaking him. "Taterbug wake up." I said and he flickered his eyes open, and jumped out of bed and into my lap. "You have a nice nap?" I said tickling his stomach, he giggled and giggled. "Alright go find momma while daddy goes and wakes Bo up." He nodded and went running towards the stairs. I walked across the hall into Bo's room who surprisingly was already awake and playing with his trucks on his floor. "Bo Bo when did you wake up?" I asked my son. He shrugged, I walked over to him and sat down across from him. "What's wrong Bo?" I asked, he looked up at me with a sad face. "Tenley was sad when she came home, then momma got angry before we layed down for a nap." My son told me. "Bo Bo the reason Tenley was sad was Daddy's fault, and momma was angry at Daddy." I said explaining the situation without giving any detail to my son. "Oh!" He seemed relieved now. "Wanna go find momma and see what she's making for dinner?" I asked Bo. He shook his head, "why not Bo Bo." I questioned. "I'm gonna play with my trucks until dinner is done." I kissed Bo on the head, stood up and walked downstairs.

Tenley's pov-

Before Scotty got here momma and daddy explained to me what they were gonna do. Scotty and I were sitting in separate Stools at the island talking to momma, when Tate came running down the stairs yelling "Scotty!" He turns around and swoops Tate into his arms and gives him a big hug. "Whatcha up to little man?" He asked Tate in that southern accent that gives me shivers. "Daddy told me to come find momma, then I saw you." He exclaimed, when I looked over at momma and she looked at Scotty and Tate smiling. Daddy jogged down the stairs, "Where's Bo honey?" Momma asked Daddy. "Oh uh he's playing with his trucks upstairs." Dad looked puzzled. "What's wrong daddy?" I asked him, he didn't answer for a couple seconds. "Has anyone seen my phone?" Dad asked, "I have to call my manager." He told us. Momma told him it was in on the coffee table in the family room. "Thanks baby" he thanked mom.

*At dinner.*

At dinner we sat normally, Mom and Dad at the ends, me on my side and Bo and Tate on their side. But with Scotty being here tonight he sat next to me. "Tenley, Scotty I want to tell you Caroline and I are going to let you to be together, but please don't do anything stupid. No sex, no making out in front of Bo and Tate, and definitely no behind doors." Dad told us. We agreed to follow those rules, I looked over at Scotty who was already looking at me. He smiled at me then went back to eating. We all ate everyone was talking and laughing, having a great time, but all I could think about what I was going to Keegan. That boy is head over heels for me, and I'm going to crush him. I hated feeling so guilty already. Momma must have noticed something was wrong because she gave me a sympathetic look.

*half an hour passed.*

We had all finished, Momma made Daddy do dishes and Scotty offered to help. Bo and Tate were watching cartoons, while mom and I were relaxing on the couch. "What was wrong at dinner honey?" She asked me. "Oh well um...I don't know what I'm going to tell Keegan about this." I explained everything. She looked like she always does, she knows the answer to everything. "Just tell him the truth. The boy will be hurt either way, and why lie when your father and I raised you better than that." She told me, I nodded. We sat there and watched the cartoons with the boys.

Luke's pov-

Scotty and I were doing the dishes, so I thought this would be the great time to speak with him. "Look Scotty I know how much you mean to my daughter and how much she means to you, I don't particularly like the fact that Caroline made me let you two be together, don't tell Tenley that, but if it makes my baby girl happy then I'll allow it. Now promise me you will not hurt her. She's a lot younger that you are and I don't want to using her going on." I spoke up. He looked at me then back down to the plate he was drying. "Look sir, I really like Tenley, and I want to be with her for the rest of my life. She's young I know, but so am I. I'm just starting out in my career. I want what's best for her, as well as you and Mrs Bryan do. Tenley is gorgeous and I really care about her. I promise sir I will not hurt her." He promised and I believed him.

After he finished drying the last plate we walked into the family room. Scotty stopped in the walk way to enter the family room, and Tenley jumped up and ran to him to hug him, and I walked over to Caroline. I sat down next to and she cuddle up to me, facing the two. I whispered into her ear that I had a talk with Scotty, she nodded. "I should be going its getting late." Scotty told Tenley. Tenley pouted like a little kid, but nodded. "I'll walk you out." They walked out the front door.

Tenley's pov-

We walked down the front porch steps and over to Scotty's truck. "Thank you for coming over." I exclaimed. He smirked, "Your very welcome my darlin'." He said in a deeper voice than normal, playing around. I laughed, "Your such a flirt." I said grabbing his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. He kissed back, then pulled away, "I should go, I'll call you later." He said. I nodded hugged him and let him leave. I walked back inside and sat on the couch next to Momma, and smiled the rest of the night.

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