Convincing Luke

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Tenley's pov-

I woke up to Scotty on the phone. I played there for few seconds, and right as I was about to get up Scotty came and played back down. "Goodmorning sunshine!" He said giving me a kiss. "Who was that you were on the phone with?" I asked. He sighed, "It was my sister, she called to remind that shes getting married in a month, so I have to go back home next week." He went on. "I can come with you. I'm sure it will take a lot of convincing, but daddy can't say no to me." I explained. "You'd really want to come?" He asked. "Of course I would. I want to meet your family!" I kissed him. He pulled away after a couple seconds. "Well little darlin' we should get you home!" He said in his southern accent.

*15 minutes of driving*

Luke's pov-

I saw Tenley's Jeep pulling up in the driveway through the window, but I couldn't tell if Scotty was with her or not. "Luke honey go check on the boys please." Caroline told me, the boys were upstairs playing in the toy room. I jog up the stairs and walk into the room. "hey guys!" I say. "daddy!"Tate says running over to me. "You guys hungry?" I ask. "You bet we are!" Bo says, god he's getting so big it amazes me. I carry my two boys downstairs, to see Scotty and Tenley talking to Caroline. "If it's okay with you and dad." I over hear Tenley say. "If whats okay with us?" I ask. "Tenny!" I let Bo down to get his sister. "Hi Bo Bo!" She picks him up and kisses his cheek a million times, then sits him on her hip. "Um dad don't freak out okay, but Scotty's sister is getting married next month and he has to go back to his home town. And I as wondering if I could go with him?" She asked. "No absolutely not." I yelled, and put Tate down who ran too Scotty. "Daddy please!" I begged. "No Tenley you are 16 almost 17. You are way to young to be traveling with your boyfriend." I was getting angry. Caroline walked over to me. "Honey they're not going to be traveling. They're driving down to Garner, and staying there for a few weeks it is not that long." She tried to explain. "Caroline do not tell me you are on their side for this." I am beyond pissed right now. "honey I'm not on anyone's side. But I think that this is a good opportunity for Tenley." She went on. Tenley put Bo down and walked towards me, "Daddy I love you and I always will. For a long time you were the only man I needed, but I'm older now. You will always be my King, and I hope I'll always be your Princess, but you know that a princess has got to find her prince. So please daddy I will be back before you know it, and you and I will have a daddy daughter day." She said hugging me. I couldn't help but hug her back. "Okay, okay I will think about it!" I finally gave in. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Tenley jumped up and hugged me. "I will let you know by the end of today. In the mean time, Scotty you can stay for dinner." I told them. "Thank you sir." He said to me. "Let's go swimming!" Tate yelled. "Yeah!" Bo and Tate ran to get there bathing suits. "Mr. Bryan sir may I borrow a pair of bathing suit shorts." He asked me. "sure son." I ran upstairs got him a pair and threw them at him when I went back downstairs.

*10 minutes later*

Tenley's pov-

I put on my new bathing suit that I haven't worn yet. I walked downstairs and went to the fridge to get a bottle of water, mom and dad were sitting at the island talking. "I want to say that if its because you don't trust me. I don't know why, I've never done anything other than snuck out that one time. I'm not going to have sex yet, I'm not ready, and Scotty and I had this conversation, he is not going to force me into anything I'm not ready for. Please I love you guys and I try so hard to be the perfect daughter you want but it's hard." I kissed them both on the cheek and walked outside. "Come on Ten get in the pool!" Scotty yelled, while he was playing water basketball with the boys. I haven't seen Til around I wonder where he is.

I decided I'd make a little fun, so I went back to the sliding glass door and ran towards the pool "CANNONBALL!" I yelled right before I hit the water. The boys were all splashed and coming after me to dunk me. I tried to escape but Scotty pulled me back and the Boys jumped on me and dunked me in the water. When I came up I said "Oh to guys are going to regret that." The three of them started laughing. Mom and Dad walked out and saw that there was a lot of splashing, we were having a splashing war. Bo and I against Scotty and Tate. Mom and Dad were laughing at how silly us kids were being.

*An hour passed*

We all go out of the pool, and Scotty handed me my towel, "I love you!" He said kissing my forehead, "I love you too!" He sat down at the table, and I sat on his lap. "Luke honey don't you remember when we were like that?" Mom asked Dad. "Yes I do, but now we have children and they just ruin your whole love life!" Dad said looking at Mama kissing her. "Eww" Bo and Tate hollered. "You see what I mean?" Mama and Daddy were laughing. "I'm gonna go start dinner." Mama said walking back inside.

Dad sat down, Scotty and I were sitting in the chair at the end of the table and dad sat down at the one next to us around the corner. "Look I trust you both, and I don't want Tenley to go, but you both really want her to go, so I'm gonna allow it." Dad said. "Thank you so much daddy!" I squealed. "Thank you sir!" Scotty thanked dad too.

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