Tired and Stressed

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Caroline's pov-

I was helping Tenley out for an hour. While she worked on her school work I watched Brason. Scotty had to go visit his parents for a few days, he begged Tenley for her and Brason to go. She said no, because she didn't want to take Brason out of the house for the first three months except to doctor appointments. Luke goes back on tour in a week or so.

"Caroline?" I heard Luke's sleepy voice walking down the stairs.

"I'm down here baby. But be quiet Brason is sleeping in the living room, and all the boys are still sleeping." I quietly hollered back at him. He walks into the kitchen where I hand him a cup of coffee.

"Where's Tenley?" He asked.

"She needed to work on some school work so I offered to watch Brason for an hour." I caught him up. I grabbed his hand that wasn't holding the coffee mug and drug him into the living room.

We both sat down on the couch and I cuddled up close to him. "You know having a baby in the house again reminds me of the old days." He whispered.

"Its nice to have a baby in the house again. It makes me feel young." He rolled his eyes.

"You're only 37. You see 47, I see 27. You're hot baby." He kissed my neck.
I gently slapped him, to remind him that the baby's in the room. He turned the TV on, while I looked over at the pack n' play. Brason was still dead to the world.

Tenley's pov-

I kept pushing off my school work because I have Brason now, and I feel bad asking mom or dad to help. But this morning mom offered to help so I agreed to it. I was working on all my homework and trying my hardest to get caught up on it.

I thought I kept hearing Brason cry but I'm not really, its just my imagination. I am so stressed out, I graduate here in less than four months. And adding my tiredness on to it isn't helping. I've gotten maybe 12 hours of sleep in the past three day. When Brason first came home he was such a good baby, but now he's two weeks old and all he does is cry through out the whole night. And when I'm finally getting into a sleep he wakes up and either is hungry or needs changed.

Luke's pov-

Caroline went and jumped in the shower, while I stayed in the living room and watched TV and Brason. When I was changing the channel Brason started fussing so I got up and walked over to his pack n' play.

I leaned over and picked him up. "Hey there buddy. Papa's here. Its okay." He slowed down his fussing and I decided to make him a bottle. I sat back down on the couch and proceeding to feed him.

"Are you feeding him?" Bo asked walking into the family room.

"Yes Bo Bo I'm feeding him." He came over and sat next to me on the couch. He kissed Brason's head and then changed the channel to something he wanted to watch. I didn't have a problem with it.

Scotty's pov-

I'm visiting my parents right now and all they keep talking about it Brason. I'm happy that they're excited about being grandparents but I miss my little boy, and his mommy.

"So son when do we get to see him?" My father asked me.

"Well Tenley doesn't want to bring him out of the house until he's older than three months." I told my parents.

"Well then maybe when you go back up we can follow you and go see our grand baby?" Ma suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea." I answered. Then they asked to see more pictures. Everyone says he looks like me but I see all Tenley in him. His eyes, are her blue ones, his nose is her cute little nose, god everything on him is hers.

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