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Four months later*
Caroline's pov-

"Mom where's my cap and gown?" I heard Tenley yell from upstairs. I had Brason in my arms. He turned four months a few days ago. And he's getting so big.

"Its down here hanging on the closet door." I hollered back up at her. Bo came running down in his black dress pants, light blue button up dress shirt, and gray tie.

"Do I look good mommy?" He asked.

"You sure do cutie." I ruffled my hand through his hair. And he kinda groaned acting like I messed it up, which made me laugh.

Luke and Til came down together. Luke was wearing black dress pants, white button up dress shirt, and black tie. And Til was wearing Black dress pants, a red button up, and black tie.

"You two look lovely." I complimented them.

"And you yourself look fine tonight my darlin'." Luke complimented me back grabbing my hand and spinning Brason and I around, then pulling me in for a kiss. I was wearing a pink and white striped dress and black heels.

Tenley was freaking out, today she goes up on the stage and gets her diploma. But she hasn't seen any of these people since before she got pregnant. And I could tell she's kinda scared of what will happen.

She runs down in a white knee length flowy dress, that has little pink flowers on it. She has red flats on with it. Her blonde hair curled perfectly just like mine.

"Alright let's get going. We don't want to be late." Luke yelled. Tenley took Brason out of my arms and I grabbed her cap and gown. The seven of us all pilled into my van.

Tenley in one of the middle seats with Brason in his car seat next to her. Then in the three seats in the back the three boys sat. Luke drove and I was in the passenger set.

Tenley's pov-

We were on our way to graduation, Mamaw LeClaire and Papa Tommy came up two days ago so they wouldn't miss it. They left a few minutes before we did so that way they could save seats.

Scotty is suppose to meet us there as well. Papa Tommy doesn't like the fact that I'm dating someone five years older than me and already have a baby, but he loves me and Brason anyways.

"Tenley are you ready to be a high school graduate?" Mama asked me as we pulled into the school parking lot. I was nervous.

"I'm just ready to get the hell out of high school." I cursed and then regretted it as soon as I said it.

"Tenley Kyra you watch your mouth!" Mama hollered at me. Which made Bo and Tate laugh.

When Daddy parked the van next to Mamaw and papa's car, we all pilled out. I went around to the opposite side of the van to get Brason out. That was when Scotty pulled up in his truck.

"Look Baby, daddy's here." I had Brason on my hip and pointed towards Scotty. I moved his hair off of his forehead and kissed him. Then Scotty got out and kissed me then took Brason.

"Hi baby. Were you good for momma last night?" He talked to Brason in a baby voice, which still makes Brason laugh.

I kissed everyone and said goodbye because I had to go get my cap and gown on, then get in line with the rest of the seniors.

Mamaw LeClaire's pov-

Luther and Caroline were walking in front of Tommy and I. Bo was holding Luther's hand and Tate holding Caroline's. Til was walking with Scotty, talking to him about god knows what.

Another one of my grand babies is graduating from high school. That leaves me three left, and a great grand baby.

"LeClaire are you alright?" Tommy asked me ad he held the door open for me to walk in.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just another one of our grand babies is graduating. Its making me emotional." Tommy chuckled at me.

"Mama how do you think I feel? She's my baby girl, my first born." Luke pitched in.

"Oh hush Luther." I swatted at him with my Kleenex. Which made the three boys laugh.

When we got to our seats we just talked and waited a bit for the seniors to walk out. I made Scotty let me hold Brason. I made him laugh and he laughed just looking at Tommy. He likes great papa Tommy.

Luke's pov-

As the seniors walked out music began to play and they walked up on stage and to their seats.

Tenley walked past us and when Brason saw her he squealed, making people in the audience laugh. I was glad no one made fun of Ten for being a teenage mom. The ceremony began.

"Hello I am Mrs. Prill, I am the principal here and this very high school. And I would like to thank you all for coming out to celebrate the graduating class of 2016." She started with.

"These students have all worked so hard, some more than others." Which made everyone laugh, "I have had faith in every single student that walks through those doors as a freshman. And almost every student to walk in with high hopes and dreams has walked out accomplishing a lot of those hopes and dreams. And to show you one of those students I'd like to bring up our very own valid dictorian. She wasn't with us in person for her last year here, but she did get highest scores on her tests, and I'm very proud of her. Miss. Tenley Bryan!" Everyone clapped and hollered and whistled as she stood up and walked to the podium.

"As many of you know, the summer between my Junior and Senior year, I had gotten pregnant. It wasn't one of my highest moments but I've lived through every day since then. With being a teen mom its hard, but I never stopped with my school work. My parents always put faith into me, and i want to thank you for that." She blew Caroline and I a kiss, "I'd also like to thank my Mamaw and Papa for being here for me today. And my boyfriend Scotty you mean the world to me. With where you are it made me push myself to do better. Last but not least my son Brason. He may not understand what I'm saying right now but when he was born I wanted to give up. I was gonna drop out of school and just do my best at being a mom. But every time I looked at him, I thought where would I be if I gave up. How could I live with myself, what would I tell my son when he's old enough what his mother did. Being a teen mom is bad enough but giving up that's rock bottom. I love my son more than anything and I'm never giving up, and I'll encourage him in everything he does as he gets older, so he never gives up." After she finished everyone clapped. And yelled.

Tenley's pov-

I was so glad to have my speech over with. I felt like I was going to vomit the whole time I was up there. When the principal went in alphabetical order calling everyone up to get their diplomas, you would hear yelling and clapping each time.

An hour later*

After all the names were called and all the students flipped the string over from one side to the other, we all then threw our hats up in the air.

I ran down to my family and the first person to hug me was dad. He picked me up and spun me around.

"God my baby girl is graduated. You did it. Ah I'm so proud of you." He kissed my cheek a thousand times. Then put me down.

After I hugged everyone I finally made it to Scotty and Brason.

"I'm so proud of you babe!" Scotty kissed me then handed Brason to me. Which I kissed Brason on the cheek then kissed his lips until he started crying, which made me laugh because his whine was from me holding his face to kiss him.

Papa Tommy suggested we all go out to eat. And Dad said that he'd pay, but Scotty offered to pitch in.

"We'll figure out who's going to pay after we eat." Mamaw LeClaire pointed out. And we all laughed and walked out of the school and to the cars.

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