What are we gonna do

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Luke's pov-

Caroline calmed me down, but I'm still gonna have one hell of a talk with Scotty. After everyone ate, including Tenley, the three boys, Caroline and I watched a movie. I wasn't really feeling it I just wanted to hold my baby. But she didn't even want to talk to me, she just stayed in her room.

Later that night, after everyone went to bed Caroline and I were laying in our bed talking.

"Baby what are we gonna do?" Caroline asked me. She was laying on my chest and I had my arm around her.

"I don't know, our baby is having a baby. She's to young, why was she so stupid." I said.

"We have to help her we can't be like other parents when their teenage kids have kids and kick them out. We are gonna help her and persuade her to get an adoption but if she feels the need to keep the kid, then she can. Luke she's so young." Caroline had started to cry, "She's 17 and having a baby. Heck she still is a baby." She cried more and more.

I hummed to her and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. I fell asleep shortly afterwards.

*The next morning*
Tenely's pov-

I woke up out of no where and had to vomit, so I ran to my bathroom and chucked up stomach fluid, because I didn't have anything in my stomach. When I was done I brushed my teeth washed my face and layed back down on my bed. I brought the covers over me and cuddled to my giant teddy bear. I grabbed my phone and it said '6:02' so no one in the house is up yet. I just went through Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. All I could think about was what would happen when this gets out. I had drifted back to sleep lost in thought.

Luke's pov-

Caroline woke me up by kissing me.

"Good morning sweetheart." I whispered, I could feel her smile after she kissed me.

"All the kids are still sleeping, you know what that means!" She exclaimed.

"We get first dibs on what we watch on TV!" I said all excited, as we jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.

We were sitting on the couch and Caroline was cuddled up to me when Til came down.

"Good morning Tildum! How did you sleep son?" I asked him.

"Good uncle Bryan." He sounded dead. But walked over to the recliner and put it up. The three of us watched TV until Bo came downstairs and grabbed his kindle and started playing at the end of Caroline's feet.

"I wonder if Tate and Tenley are awake yet?" Carol wondered getting up. She walked down the hall a bit to the stairs and went up them.

"Dad?" Bo asked.

"Yeah Bo Bo?" I questioned.

"Why were you yelling yesterday?" He simply asked.

"Tenley did something bad, and it ended with us getting a baby." I explained to him.

"We're getting another brother or sister?" He seemed confused.

"No buddy, and niece or a nephew." I answered. He understood now. I went back to watching TV, then Til piped in.

"Wait did you just say that Tenely's pregnant?" He asked, I looked over at Til and nodded.

Caroline's pov-

I walked into Tate's room first because it was closer than Ten's. I slowly opened it so it wasn't a huge noise, and saw my baby boy sound a sleep. I walked in and kissed his forehead covered him up a bit more and walked out closing the door behind me.

When I reaches Ten's room I knocked first, but there was no answer but I heard crying so I opened the door. She wasn't on her bed or the floor so I walked into her bathroom and saw her crying on the floor. I hurried over to her and pulled her into me. I rocked us back and forth and played with her hair.

"Its gonna be okay, your father and I are here for you." I whispered as I held my daughter.

Luke's pov-

Caroline was taking longer than normal to check on the kids so I decided to go see what was going on.

Tate's door was closed so she wasn't in there, I saw Tenely's door open and I heard sniffles. I slowly walked in hoping I didn't see anything that broke my heart. But I saw Carol holding Tenley on the bathroom floor, while Tenley was crying. That hurt me so much. Carol looked up at me and had sorrow eyes.

"Tenley sweetie is there anything I can get you?" I asked. She looked up at me and ran into my arms. I hugged her back, we stood there for a few seconds. Caroline grabbed her a tissue and handed it to her, as she blew her nose, I wiped her tears away.

"I'm so sorry you guys. I hate myself for doing this." She went on.

"Tenley Kyra don't you ever say you hate yourself!" I sternly said. She looked apologetic, I helped her towards her bed. Carol covered her up and we both kissed her head.

As we were walking out she spoke up, "Daddy? Can you sing to me?" She asked me. I couldn't say no to my princess, I went back towards her climbed in bed with her and cuddled her. As I sang to her Carol went downstairs to start breakfast.

Tenely's pov-

Daddy was singing to me, since I was a little girl it always calmed me down. He rubbed his finger through my hair and sang to me.

"Daddy what am I suppose to do?" I asked. He was silent for a minute.

"We have to tell Scotty. Then we'll take it one step at a time." He answered my question. I didn't know how to tell him that Scotty and I aren't talking at the moment.

"Scotty and I aren't exactly talking. We got into a huge fight and now he's been busy with his music, so we haven't had time to talk." I confessed.

"The hell he's gonna leave you like this, I'm gonna make sure he knows and is gonna take care of his baby." After that he just hummed to me and I drifted of to sleep againpractic

Til's pov-

Aunt Carol was in the kitchen cooking, Bo was on his Kindle on the couch and Tate had woke up ten minutes ago so he was watching TV laying on the couch. I walked into to the kitchen and decided to talk to Aunt Carol.

"Hey Aunt Carol, tomorrow I have football practice." I told her. She looked at the magnetic calendar on the fridge.

"Alright noted, I'll have Uncle Luke take you, I have to take Tenley too her doctors appointment." She had told me.

"Is it true, is she ready pregnant?" I asked. She looked surprised but started too talk.

"Yes, she is. She feels horrible about it, so if you could try to make her feel better." I agreed to it. I can't believe that Tenley who is 17 is going to be a teen mom.

Uncle Luke walked down, "She's asleep." He told Aunt Carol before he kissed her on the cheek, "So what's for breakfast?" He asked.

"French Toast and bacon." Aunt Carol told him dipping a piece of bread in the egg mix.

15 minutes later*

"Breakfast is done!" Aunt Carole yelled and we all walked to the dining room.

"I'll go up and get Ten, you get the kid's plates made." She told Uncle Luke and went upstairs.

We all started to make our plates but aren't going to eat until Ten and Aunt Carol get back down here.

Once they got back down we all ate dinner, and talked. Tenley even laughed, which I could tell made Aunt Carol and Uncle Luke happy. We just had a good family day.

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