6 Months Later

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Tenely's pov-

I couldn't get comfortable last night so I just watched TV till this morning. I'm 8 months almost 9 now. The doctors say I could be early but they're not completely sure. Scotty and I have bought a crib for his house and mine, we had a baby shower two months ago. We got baby shampoo, lotion, wash clothes, towels, etc.

Today Til, Bo and Tate all go back to school from winter break this morning. Oh god how much I miss school. Mom hasn't left my side since I almost went into premature labor a couple months back. I only did because I had so much stress on myself, but everyone helped out a lot.

Daddy went back on tour in September, and came home to visit for thanksgiving, went back, came back for Christmas, mamas birthday and new years, then went back. He promised he'd be here for the birth, because he doesn't want to miss his first grandchild's birth. He's coming home a week before my due date and staying till two weeks after, then goes back on tour.

"Knock knock!" I heard a high pitched voice say outside my door. It was Paige, my best friend.

"Come in!" I called back. She walked in and just stared at me. I had one of Scotty's shirts on and a pair of spandex. My stomach is huge, and my hair was in a messy bun.

"Oh my god, Tenley has anyone told you that your stomach has a huge bump on it!" She said playfully freaking out.

"No! Thank god I have a friend like you to tell me these things." We both started laughing. I motioned for her to sit at my feet. She did and we talked till she had to leave.

Til's pov-

I was walking in the hallway to get to my locker when I heard two guys talking about Tenley.

"Yeah Tenley Bryan, that daddy's girl dumped Keegan and got pregnant a few months later with another guys baby. God what a whore. Especially pregnant in high school, she hasn't even shown her face in school since." I heard one guy say to the other.

"Excuse you. You have no right talking shit about my cousin!" I stopped them both.

"Your names Til right? Well Til your cousins a whore." The other guy said. That pushed me over the edge and I socked him in his nose, the other one looked at me but didn't do anything.

He got up and came back at me when I tackled him and kept punching him in the face. Finally when I realized a teacher was calling my name.

"Tildum Cheshire!" I heard a teacher yell. So I surrendered back, stood there and waited to be taken down to the office. Mr. Widzinski, everyone's favorite adult in the building. He's the Dean of Students here. All the girls think he's hot. He's young, not married, no kids, I would see why they all like him and think they all have a chance with him. He walked me down to his office.

He walked around his desk to sit in his chair. And I sat in one of two chairs on the other side of his desk.

"So why did you get into a fight Tildum? You're not the fighting type." He started.

"He called my cousin a whore." I was getting heated again.

"Hey yo, calm down Til. And he called her a whore because of the baby?" He questioned me. I nodded and squeezed my fist.

"So what are you gonna do to me. Detention? Suspension?" I had attitude.

"Well you've never got into a fight, your grades are perfect, but a fights a fight Til. So I'm gonna have to suspend you for three days like usual. I'm gonna call your Aunt and Uncle."

"Don't call my Uncle he's busy. He's coming home from tour today." I stated. He nodded, picked up the phone and dialed Aunt Carol's number. 

Caroline's pov-

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