Going Home

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Tenely's pov-

Brason James and I are getting checked out of the hospital today. Mama and Daddy went home to get everything ready for the baby and I. When Bo, Til and Tate met him they all were so happy. Bo wouldn't put him down until Daddy made him, I thought it was the funniest.

Scotty's coming to pick the two of us up. Brason is a little piggy, he's lost two pounds since he was born but that's normal. He has been eating quite a bit for a new born, that's what the nurses have said. I signed us out and we're waiting for Scotty to get here with the truck.

Brason started to fuss so I sat his car seat on the ground and rocked it back and fourth. Scotty pulled up with his truck. He got out and grabbed Brason's seat and put him in the backseat of the truck. I got into the front seat and buckled up. When Scotty came around and got in he kissed me before driving to my house.

"We have a son. How do you feel being a mommy?" He asked me. I smiled looking forward through the windshield.

"I feel a lot of pressure of me. But it feels great to be a mommy. How about you daddy?" I returned the question.

"I have everything I need for him at my apartment. I have a crib, a swing, formula and everything else. I feel siked." He sounded a bit nervous which made me chuckle a little. We were pulling into the driveway of my house. As we passed the barn I saw Dad in there and I made Scotty stop.

Dad ran up to the truck, "is he awake?" Dad asked when he got up to the window. When Brason heard his voice he made a cute little cooing sound.

"I guess so." Scotty and Dad chuckled, while I laughed.

"Alright go on up to the house. I'll be up there after feeding the chicks." Dad told us. So Scotty finished driving up to the house. He got out and came around to help me out. He also grabbed the car seat while I grabbed the diaper bag.

Mama ran out of the house to the car. "My baby!" She ran right to me and hugged me tight. I hugged back until Brason started to fuss. Mom let go of me and went straight to him.

"Hello there my beautiful baby boy. Yes Nana is here." She took the car seat from Scotty and went straight to the house. Scotty and I walked hand in hand towards the house.

Til's pov-

"Til look Brason's home!" Bo yelled looking out the window. Aunt Carol ran out of the house and towards Tenley and Scotty. I got a text so I checked my phone.

'Hey Til😉'   it was from Kelsey. A girl from school. One of the ones I told Tenley about. She's pretty and a good friend. I just texted her back and said 'Hey'

I looked up from my phone and Aunt Caroline was walking in with Brason in his car seat. Bo and Tate ran over to him, where Aunt Caroline put the seat on the couch.

"Awh he's so cute!" Tate cooed.

"He's so little. Was I this little mama?" Bo asked.

"Yes Bo Bo. You were this little." Aunt Carol answered him, "Til come see him." She suggested for me. I stood up and walked over there. He looked right at me when I was over them.

"Hi there buddy." I said in a baby voice. He smiled at me.

"He likes you Tilly." Bo looked up at me. I smiled at him. Aunt Caroline rested her hand on my shoulder and I looked back at her.

"Can I hold him?" I decided to ask. She nodded.

"Go wash your hands first." I ran off to wash them and came back. Aunt Caroline already had him out of the car seat.  She handed me him and I just talked to him like he was my best friend.

"I guess if I need a babysitter I know who I can come to." I looked up and Tenley sat down next to me, "seriously Til he seems to really like you." She told me. 

"Ya think? All I did was get him to laugh and fall asleep." I kinda laughed a little.

"Til will you run him upstairs put him in his crib then bring the baby monitor down?" I agreed to it and did what she asked.

Luke's pov-

I was done down at the barn so I jumped on the four wheeler and rode up to the house. When I got around back of the house and parked the four wheeler, I went inside the house.

"Hmm. Something smells delicious." I yelled and walked into the kitchen.

"Dad be quiet." Tenley shhhed me. I out my hands up in defense and went around the island to kiss Caroline.

"So where's the baby boy?" I asked. Scotty walked into the kitchen with the baby monitor in his hand.

"He's sleeping honey." Caroline has said.

"Alright. Well I'll go see if Bo, Tate and Til wanna go down to the pond." I walked into the family room.

"Boys wanna go fishing?" I asked the three of them.

"Yeah let's go." Til was the first one to jump up, then Bo nodded and Tate disagreed. He wanted to say with mama.

30 minutes later*

Bo, Til and I were fishing down by the pond. Bo caught two little ones hut we just threw them back.

"Uncle Luke?" Til sounded a little sad.

"Yeah bud?" I was curious now.

"There's this girl. Her names Kelsey and I kinda like her. What should I do?" Awh Til likes a girl.

"Well Tildum does she like you?" I started this off.

"I think so. She's always flirty with me." He informed me.

"Oh. Ask her on a date Til. I'm sure she'll say yes." I suggested.

"She's a cheerleader." He added.

"And you're a football player." I brought up. He just smiled and said he'd ask her out when he went back to school.

Tenely's pov-
Two hours later*

We all ate dinner which was baked chicken, green beans and corn bread. Then for dinner we had mama's home made apple pie.

It is 10 o'clock. And Brason is wide awake. This is fun. All he wants to do is be held and every time you he tries to sleep he just wakes up a smiles. Scotty is spending the night tonight so if I need to sleep.

"How's everything going?" Dad peaked his head into my room.

"Peachy. He wide awake." Dad walks in and I hand Brason off to him.

"Hey there Bras. Papa loves you so much." Dad sat in the rocking chair that I have next to his crib and started rocking and humming to him.

After about five minutes Dad had Brason knocked out. "Thank you dad." He kissed the top of my head, kissed Brason's cheek and said goodnight to Scotty.

Scotty and I got ready for bed and we cuddled together and just talked until we fell asleep.

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