Telling Keegan

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Luke's pov-

I woke up because I didn't feel Caroline next to me. I got up put of bed slipped my basketball shorts over my boxers and went to check on the kids. Bo and Tate were sound asleep, and I walked over to Ten's room and knocked. There was no answer so I walked in and she was on the phone with someone, I automatically thought it was Scotty. "No, Keegan I'll see you later. Bye" I heard her say Keegan and got excited. I ran downstairs, and saw Caroline on the couch watching some cooking show. I went and sat next to her, "what are you all smiley about?" She asked me. "I think Ten gave up on the whole Scotty thing, she was just on the phone with Keegan!" I exclaimed. Caroline started laughing, "oh honey, calm down she was on the phone to set up a meeting time so she could tell him about Scotty." Caroline explained.

Tenley's pov-

Dad was just in my room, then hurried up and ran out. I got off the phone with Keegan, and walked downstairs. "Dad?" I said louder than normal. "In here, darling." I heard him say. I walked towards his voice into the living room too see moms head laying on dads thighs, with them watching a cooking show. "What did you need?" I asked. "Nothing just checking on you kids." He told me, so I nodded and went to sit next to him. "Can we watch a movie instead of this cooking show?" I asked. Dad chuckled and mom laughed, "of course what movie?" I got up and went to look through the movies we have, "how about this one?" I said holding up 'Marley&Me'. "That's a great movie, put it in and come on up here." Mom told me, so I did and went to cuddle up with dad. As the movie was starting dad said, "This is what I love, cuddling with my two favorite girls, and my two favorite boys are gonna be waking up soon!" He kissed the tops of mom and my head.

An hour into the movie, I saw what time it was. "I should probably get up and get ready to go see Keegan." I got up and walked to up the stairs and into my room. I looked through my clothes, I was dreading telling Keegan. Keegan fell hard for me, and I liked him a lot too but Scotty is the love of my life. I finally picked out a navy blue romper that has a white neck on it. For shoes I grabbed a pair of white flats, I just let my blonde curls fall.

I grabbed my phone and car keys. I jogged down the stairs and told momma and daddy bye. I hopped into my Jeep, and left. When I reached the mall where Keegan and I agreed to meet, I automatically saw him standing in front of the mall entrance. I walk up, "Don't you look beautiful today!" He said kissing my cheek. "Thank you." I half smiled at it. We walked inside and he held the door open for me. "So what was the whole thing about your dad coming to my house?"

Keegan's pov-

Tenley's face went straight blank, "Oh um I kinda ran away once everyone fell asleep." She told me. "What? Why did you do that?" I asked her, at first she didn't want to answer. We sat down at the Coney island in the mall. "Look a few years ago Scotty, you know the one at the party two days ago, well him and I had secretly dated until word got out. My dad freaked out and made us break up, and I was finally getting over him and you asked me out so I said yes. Then at the party seeing him opened all the wounds again, and he kissed me, after you left. That's where I ran away to was his house. And Keegan you're a nice guy but..." I knew where this was going so I interrupted her, "But, you're breaking up with me?" I asked. "Yeah!" She looked so sad, and disappointed in herself. "Look Ten you don't have to feel bad I get it, first love, I had one. I accidentally got her pregnant then her parents made her move on the other side of the country with her grandmother, then she lost the baby. And I haven't seen her since." I explained, which I haven't told anyone that since it happened, and only my parents knew. "Oh my god, I am so sorry" she apologized. "Hey look its fine, okay?" She nodded, "Now go find him, make him happy. And if you ever need someone to talk to call me." I kissed her cheek and she grabbed her purse and left.

Tenley's pov-

I got into my Jeep, and just sat there for a second. I thought to myself for a while. That was really easy, I thought he would take it harsher. I called mom,

Phone conversation
C-Caroline T-Tenley

C-Hello sweetie?
T-Hi mom, um can I go over to Scott?
C-Yes you may. I'll tell your dad so you don't have to.
T-Thank you so much mom. I love you.
C-Youre become. And I love you too.

End of conversation

I started the car and drove over to Scotty's.

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