Doctors Appointment and Lukes Birthday

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Tenely's pov-

I'm still upset with myself, but I don't cry as much anymore. I feel like myself again. Mama says that won't last long, she says I'm gonna get big and uncomfortable. Dads birthday is today and so is my second appointment with my OBGYN. The last appointment it was just clarification. Everyone is back to normal lives with a little twist. I'm five weeks along. Scotty still doesn't know, he called me last week but I didn't want to tell him over the phone.

"Tenley hurry up, your father and I are ready." Mama yelled up the stairs. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Okay, I'm sorry I had to pee." I said in defense.

"Well that's not a surprise." Dad chuckled, "Your mother went every five minutes when she was pregnant with you." The three of us laughed. Til is watching the boys while we go to the appointment.

Mama and I walked out of the house to get into dads truck. Dad had to make sure the boys were good before we left. Once dad got in the car we talked about stuff like what we were gonna do later tonight for his birthday, and next month Tate's birthday. We figured that I'm gonna to online schooling for my senior year, and then when I graduate in June of next year the baby will be four months old, so I'll be good.

When we reached the doctors, we pilled out and walked towards the door. Daddy opened the door for mama and I. I signed my name on the sheet, I could have came here myself but mama and daddy want to come to everyone that Scotty can't. Since he doesn't know yet, I'm gonna have to tell him soon. I live him and I don't want us not talking to be the end, it was just one fight. I went back and sat between mama and daddy. Dad grabbed my hand, and squeezed it a little bit.

"I love you sweetheart and I want you to know that we're gonna be here for you and this beautiful human being you're bringing into this world." Mama said.

"Tenley Bryan." The nurse called my name and the three of us stood up and followed her. She brought us to a room.

"Approximately how far along are you Miss. Bryan?" She asked.

"Five weeks." I answered.

"Everything going good, no stomach pains, no bleeding?" She again asked another question.

"No, I've been getting back to normal. My morning sickness hasn't been in affect in a week also." I added.

"Alright the doctor will be in shortly." After fighting everything I said on the clipboard she walked out.

The three of us just sat and talked for a little while, waiting for the doctor. When we heard and knock on the door and the door open.

"Hello I'm Dr. Downs. I'm the new OBGYN, here." She introduced herself, "and you are Tenley Bryan, and you're 17 years young. Am I correct?" I nodded.

"Great do you mind laying back on the bed please?" I did, "These are your parents?" She asked.

"Yes they are." I said proudly.

"Its so nice to meet you Luke Bryan." She fangirled over my dad, which I'm use to. Mama and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"Okay let's get to this." She put the jelly stuff on my belly and rubbed the stick around so we could see the baby. I looked at the monitor.

"There's the head, the feet, oh and would you like to hear the heartbeat?" She looked at me.

"Yes, please, yes." I was excited when she said that. When I heard this little thudding I was in heaven. All my worries had gone away, everything was going to work out.

"What do you think Ten?" Daddy asked me. Mama was playing with my hair.

"It's beautiful.." I choked up a bit, and I felt tears.

"Since you're only six weeks we can't tell the gender by an ultrasound, but if you pee in a cup we can test it and get the results, would you like that?" Dr. Downs had asked. I thought about it for a minute.

"No thank you. I want to wait till we can tell on the ultrasound. Thank you though." I thanked her and we wrapped the appointment up.

*30 minutes later*
Luke's pov-

I drove us home and when we got to the house from the long driveway Scotty's truck was parked next to Ten's jeep. I parked and Tenley got out fast and ran inside. Meanwhile I helped Caroline out of the car and we walked in shortly after Tenley did.

Scotty's pov-

"SCOTTY?" I heard a girl yell.

"In here sweetheart." I called back at her. She walked into the kitchen where I had started dinner for the Bryan family. I felt arms snake around my waist and a kiss on my shoulder. I turned around and there were her beautiful blue eyes.

"I missed you so much!" I bent down for my lips to reach hers and kissed her. She pulled away fast, and I was confused until Mr. Bryan cleared his throat and Mrs. Bryan giggled a little.

"Mr. And Mrs. Bryan, how are you today?" I sounded polite.

"I've been good thank you for asking Scotty." Mrs. Bryan answered, but Mr. Bryan just ignored me and kept death glaring me. But I don't know what I did wrong. I mean I was cooking dinner for his family.

"Scotty we need to talk." Ten spoke up, I'm guessing she saw what her dad was doing. She grabbed my hand and we walked into the back yard on the back deck.

"You might want to sit down for this, its quite big news." She said but with a little frown. I did as she suggested.

"Are you going to sit!" I asked her. She looked off into the field then sat in the end chair but next to the I was sitting in.

"You might freak out when you hear this, but I have stuff figured out..." She stopped for a second.

"Scotty I'm pregnant." She said very fast but I understood what she said. I felt my stomach drop when she said that.

"Is that why your dad keeps giving me the death glare? Because I got you pregnant." I asked. And she nodded, "he hates me and wants to kill me great." Out of all the emotions I'm feeling right now happy is not one of them. I was infuriated at myself, and pity at Ten because I just ruined her life. I felt like I had a big bulge in my throat that I couldn't speak.

"Scotty say something about the pregnancy?" She looked worried. And all I wanted to do was cry.

"You're seventeen, Ten. Shouldn't we give it up for adoption?" I asked then regretted it right after.

"How could you say that about OUR child?" She started to tear up.

"No, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Baby we can figure this out, I wanted to have kids with you this just speeds things up a bit." I hugged her and kissed her forehead.

Caroline's pov-

After Tenley told Scotty the four of us, Scotty, Tenley, Luke and I sat down and talked everything out. Tenley is going to do online schooling next year, Scotty is going to come over here everyday after he gets out of the studio, she's going to spend as much time as she can over there as well. Luke and I are going to support in everything she needs, next year when she turns 18, her and Scotty want to get married but were gonna wait and see how that goes.

Scotty has already said he has enough money put aside and he gets loads and loads being an entertainer, which we already knew because of Luke. Tenley said she'll be a stay at home mom, but I think in a year or two she gonna want to go to college and become a teacher like she's always wanted.

After dinner Scotty and Tenley did the dishes and then we had cake and ice cream and sang 'Happy birthday' to Luke. Scotty decided to spend the night, and we let him sleep in her room, what's the worst that could happen she gets pregnant, haha that was funny. The two boys fell asleep in Luke's and my bed as we watched a movie in there with them, so we carried them to there separate rooms. Til has been on the phone with his friend all night long.

After everyone was in there rooms and Luke and my door was shut we finally had some alone time, and decided to do the dirty, since it was his birthday. I gave him a great birthday present. ;)

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