A Month Later

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Caroline's pov-

It has been a month since Tenely's birthday and Luke's birthday is coming up soon. Tenley has been sick the past few days, she doesn't have a fever and only gets sick in the morning so I don't know what it is.

She's upstairs in her bed probably cuddled up to the giant teddy bear Luke got her a few years ago. She has been sleeping a lot I've noticed. The boys are old enough to take care of themselves but me being a mom I feel the need to do everything.

"Hey sweetie." Luke says walking down the stairs.

"Does she feel any better?" I asked Luke talking about Tenley.

"No, she's still complaining her stomach hurts. Bo keeps wanting to go in and see her but I don't want him to get sick also." He explained to me.

"Maybe I should take her to the hospital. See what's going on." I suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea, I'll stay here with the other kids." We agreed. I went upstairs and into Tenely's room.

Tenely's pov-

I've been getting sick a lot lately a mom and dad have no idea what it is. I'm kinda freaking out, I was suppose to get my period a week ago, and still I haven't got it. Scotty and I haven't been talking much we got into a fight and now he's busy with his music.

Mom walks in and sits at the end of my bed. "Honey, your dad and I think we should take you to the hospital." She went on.

"If you think that's best." I agreed. I got up and didn't even feel like changing, I just left my yoga pants on and my tank top. I slid my uggs on put my Adidas jacket on. Mom and I walked downstairs together. Dad was in the living room with the boys and Til.

"We'll be back." Mom said giving dad a kiss.

"Feel better baby!" Dad got up and kissed the top of my head and went back to watching TV with the boys.

We left and were on our way to the hospital. The whole ride there was silent, and I was worrying that I might be pregnant. It was a month ago, we didn't use protection and I haven't go my period. Oh god dads going to kill Scotty then kill me.

When we arrived mom parked and we both got out. She signed me in and we waited in the waiting room for a half an hour. I was trying to get a hold of Scotty the whole time. All the messages were delivering but he wasn't reading them.

"Ms. Tenley Bryan." A nurse called us back and took us to our room. She asked a few questions.

"Why are we seeing you today?" She asked.

"My stomach has been hurting, I've been getting sick a lot. Etc." I answered back. She wrote down these things on the clipboard.

"When was your last period?" She asked as she had me lay back and felt my stomach.

"Last month." I said worried mom was gonna catch on. She wrote that down and left the room, after saying the doctor would be in shortly.

Mom sat down on the bed next to me and I layed in her lap. "Mom I have something to tell you, and it might be the reason were here." I said. She looked down at me with a curious face.

"The day of my birthday Scotty and I...had sex. And it wasn't protected, and since then I've killed myself for it." My eyes started to tear up.

"You did what!?" Mom freaked out and I said up. She just kept looking at me, "So you're telling me there's a chance that the reason were in this room right now is because you could be pregnant?" She was still freaking out. I slightly nodded.

"Hello ladies!" The doctor said walking in the room, "how are we today?" There was an awkward silence.

"We need a pregnancy test!" Mom demanded. I was slowly crying by this point. Tears were falling down my cheeks.

"Okay. For which one of you?" He asked.

"My teenage daughter!" She said angry. The doctor looked surprised and gave me a cup to go pee into. I got up and went across the hall.

When I got into the bathroom I owed into the cup then set it in the counter. I washed my hands and started crying in the mirror. How could you do this to yourself.

Luke's pov-

While Caroline and Tenley were at the hospital I was at home with the boys. "Daddy is Tenley going to be alright?" Tate asked.

"I sure do hope so buddy." I told my son, while picking him up and sitting him in my lap in the recliner. We sat there and fell asleep while watching a hunting show.

*An hour later*

Tenley and Caroline walked in, while I was in the kitchen and had started dinner. They both looked upset and I could feel a lot of tension. Caroline came over to me and hugged me, and Tenley just sat on a bar stool.

"Tenley you have something to tell your dad." Caroline told her. Tenley looked dreadful, she looked like she could throw up.

"Um dad. You're going to be really angry and I feel horrible for doing this but..." She stopped and started to gag. She ran ran off to the bathroom down the hall. I was confused, I didn't know what was happening.

"What is wrong? Is she okay?" I asked Caroline.

"Luke no I'm not saying a word, she has to tell you." Caroline kissed my cheek and walked up the stairs.

Tenley came back out and looked horrible. "Honey what is wrong?" I asked her.

"Where did mom go?" She avoided my question.

"She went upstairs, I'll go get her." I offered and ran off upstairs.

I heard Caroline talking to Til in his room, so I walked in. "Did she tell you yet?" Caroline asked.

"No she doesn't want to say unless you're around." Caroline nodded and we walked downstairs. Tenley was in the living room so we went into join her.

Tenely's pov-

I was really dreading telling Dad. Mom had freaked out I can just imagine what dads gonna do. They came into the living room where I was and sat on the love seat while I sat on the big couch.

"Okay dad, I'm really sorry. But I'm pregnant!" I just blurted out like word vomit. He looked surprised then angry.

"The hell you are!" He started to raise his voice, "What do you mean that you're pregnant. You haven't had sex to be pregnant!"

I started to cry, "On my birthday when Scotty and I were home alone, we were stupid and had unprotected sex." I started crying even more. Mom came over and hugged me.

"I'm gonna kill him. He said he would wait till you were legal. He's a dead man." Dad said out of anger. At this point I was cuddled up to mama and balling my eyes out.

"Go on up to bed and I'll bring you dinner." Mama said in her soothing voice. I followed instructions and went upstairs.

I crawled into bed and just layed there thinking about how my life is gonna be now. I drifted off to sleep.

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