Big Surprise

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Scotty's pov-

I've been awake for an hour now just laying here in bed. I haven't moved because Tenley cuddled up really close next to me and I didn't want to wake my sleeping angel. It's about 9 o'clock in the morning and we had planned to go to baseball diamond at 11. I have a huge surprise for Tenley, and I can not wait for her to see it. Shes going to love it.

Tenley's phone started ringing and she tossed and turned until she woke up. And answered her phone.

Phone conversation

C-Hey honey. How are you doing? Are you having fun?
T-I'm having loads of fun. Scotty's family is great. Are you feeling better?
C-Yes I'm not sick anymore, thank God.
T-Good. Hows dad and the boys?
C-They're great. Right now actually they're outside at the pond fishing.
T-Awh I miss them so much.
C-We miss you too baby.
T-Well I just woke up and I need to pee. I'll talk to later mommy. I love you.
C-I love you too baby.

End of conversation

When Tenley got off the phone she looked at me and giggled. She got out of bed and walked down the hall to go pee. I just layed there and thought about how today is going to go. I want it to be perfect, almost as perfect as her.

"Why are you still in bed, get up!" Tenley yells at me as she walks in. "Okie I'm sorry baby!" I roll out of bed and walk over to her and kiss my angel. She pulls away and walks over to the dresser, to finds clothes for today. After finding hers she hands me a pair of khaki shorts and a blue shirt.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." She says and takes a towel and her clothes towards the bathroom. That leaves me to get dressed and go downstairs.

Tenely's pov-

I got into the bathroom and started to get undressed, when someone knocked on the door. "I'm in here." I spoke up.

"Oh sorry Ten." I heard Ashley's voice. I kinda laughed, and went back to getting undressed. I turned the water on and waited for it to get warm. I waited for about three minutes for the water to finally get warm. I got in and got my face wet. The water really woke me up, it felt great.

*An hour later*

Scotty and I are on the way to the baseball diamond. He said he's going to tell me the story behind it and why its so special to him. Scotty is the best man ever.

"What are you thinking about?" Scotty asks me.

"Oh nothing, just listening to the song." Which was Brett Eldredge Bring you Back. We finally pulled into to diamond parking lot. And he parked the truck and came around to get me.

"Me lady!" He held out his hand to help me out of the truck. I grabbed it and he wrapped his other hand around my arm and picked me up. Once outside of the truck he sat me on the ground and grabbed my hand, while pulling me towards the baseball diamond.

As we got to the edge of the entrance he released my hand and walked forward. I stayed back for, to give him a minute. He stepped a few feet into the diamond and turned around.

"Don't you love the smell of freshly cut grass? And I love the look of brand new bases. Oh and look at the new freshly painted concession stand. Oh boy how I've missed this!" He went on and on. I giggled a little bit.

"What, do I have something on me?" He asked.

"No sweetheart. You're fine!" I walked to meet him. We were face to face while holding hands in between us. He gave me a kiss. Once I pulled away he started to speak again.

"This baseball diamond was my whole childhood. If anyone needed to find me, this is where they'd come. Mama said I was only home long enough to eat, sleep, and do my homework. The rest of the time I was here, with my buddies, or just myself. I meant so much to me and it still does. This place is probably my favorite place in the whole wide world, and yes I know I brought that other girl here but you mean so much more to me. And I want to add another sentimental value to this field..." He pulled out a small little black box and got down on one knee.

"Tenley Kyra Bryan, I love you to death and I don't want anyone else in this world but you! Now will you do me the honor of taking this promise ring?" He asked. I felt my cheeks getting warm. I heard movement in the trees.

"Is there someone here?" I pointed over to the forest.

"Ma, daddy come on out. I had them here to take a picture of me down on my knee asking you and a picture of after you said yes of me picking you up. So do you say yes?" He asked with a smile.

I felt a tear drip down, "yes!" I exclaimed. He stood up and put the ring on and then kissed me while spinning me.

Scotty's pov-
*Two hours later*

Since we only have a few days till Ashley and Trent's wedding, we have to go double check that all the guys tuxedo's fit. While I'm gone Tenley went with Ashley, my mom and the bridesmaids to pick up Ashley's dress. I hope she's having fun, my family was super excited about the promise ring and she called and let her family knew which Luke already knew.

I'm so in love with Tenley, I can't wait till this is us planning our wedding.

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