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Luke's pov-

The boys and I had just got to the hospital and were in the elevator towards the third floor, the birthing floor.

"Daddy, am I gonna be an Uncle?" Tate asked me with the cutest little face.

"Yes you are Tater tot!" I told him. That's when the elevator stopped and the door opened. The boys went before I did I picked up the car seat and walked along side the boys. I walked straight to the room since Caroline told me what room they were in.

When we walked in Tate ran over to Carol, "Mommy!!" He yelled. He's such a mommy's boy. As soon as I got around the door I saw Tenley and she was in so much pain.  I walked over to the side of her bed.

"Hey sweetie." I kissed her forehead. She looked up at me and half smiled. Then she got a contraction. She grabbed my hand and squeezed as hard as she could. Honestly it hurt a little but I stood there and took the pain. When it was over I walked over to Caroline. She stood up then sat on my lap.

"How far along is she?" I asked. Caroline was talking to Tate so I looked over at Scotty.

"Only three centimeters. Seven more to go babe." He answered my question then talked in an encouraging tone towards Ten.

"Oh shut up Scotty." Tenley was being rude. I can understand Caroline was the same exact way with all three kids. 

Tenely's pov-

I was in so much pain but I didn't want to cry in front of Bo Bo and Tater tot. I heard a faint knock on the door.

"Who is it now?" I groaned. I heard dad laugh at me, which made me more mad. Scotty got up to answer the door.

"Hello. Tenley, its nice to see you again." Dr. Downs walked in the room, with a huge smile on her face.

"Thank god you're here. What took so long?" I asked.

"Sorry when I got the call I was with my family at home. Are we planning an epidural?" I looked over at Scotty then at mom. Mom had shook her head up and down.

"Yeah I believe so." I stated and she excused herself and went off to get the medicine.

20 minutes later*

After I go the epidural, I barely felt my contractions anymore. Bo and Tate had asked if they could sit by me. I let them climb up on the bed.

"Tenny?" Tate looked up at me.

"Yeah buddy. What's wrong?" He looked sad.

"Are you dying? Is that why you're in so much pain?" That broke my heart and I could tell mom and dads too.

"Oh no, sweetheart Tenely's just tired and a little human being is gonna come out of her." Dad went on but mom hit him. Which made Tate and Bo laugh.

Dads phone rung and he walked outside of the room, with mom and the boys following. Scotty was sitting in a chair close to my bed holding my hand. I looked over at him, he had an apologetic face.

"Honey what's wrong?" I asked him. He didn't say anything at first but sighed and started to talk.

"I'm scared what if I'm not a good father?" He looked like he had a tear swelling up in his eye.

"Babe you're going to be the best father out there." I reassured him. He half smiled and kissed my hand. When the whole clan walked back in, Tate, Bo and Til all said bye to me saying they were going to hang out at uncle Jason's for a while. Scotty and I said goodbye and told them mom and dad would come get them as soon as the baby was born.

Scotty's pov-

Its been a few hours and is now three in the morning. Tenley keeps trying to sleep, but she can't get comfortable. Mr and Mrs. Bryan are down in the cafeteria getting coffee and donuts. They offered for me to come but I declined due to that meant leaving Tenley. I just gave them a ten dollar bill and asked for a coffee and an apple.

"Scotty, we talked about names but never agreed on one." Tenley half whispered half spoke.

"Okay well what did we say for a boy?" I asked.

"For a boy we said Brason James, Thomas Luther or Michael Jr Ross. And for a girl we said Sarah Judy, Cecelia rose or Linden Carol." She said them all including the middle names. I smiled at the thought of having a daughter.

"Okay, okay for a girl Cecelia rose, and for the boy. You know what I don't think we're having a boy. I definitely feel girl all the way." I went on. It looked like she rolled her eyes, then giggled a little.

"Even when you're tired your giggle is still the sound of angels to my ears." I got up and kissed her on the lips. She rolled her eyes again. The doctor knocked and walked in.

"Tenley we need to see how dilated you are." She stated. Tenley just nodded and did what Dr. Downs told her too. "It looks to me that you're seven centimeters. Only three more." Tenley just groaned.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"Tired as hell." Tenley rolled her head back then back around to look at the doctor again. 

"And you're daddy right?" She pointed towards me.

"Indeed I am. The boyfriend, the father, and future husband to be." I went on and kissed Tenely's hand.

"Good to know. So you'll make sure that she gets lots of sleep when the baby is born and they the released." I nodded and Dr. Downs just said she'd be back in a little bit. After about ten minutes I looked over and Tenley was sleeping. I just decided to lean my head back in the chair and sleep too.

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