Final Destination

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Tenley's pov-

We arrived at the house where Scotty grew up and I saw a woman and a man run out of the house. "Are you ready my darlin'?" He looked at me as putting the truck in park, and turning the key. I nervously nodded, he grabbed my small hands in his big muscular ones and kissed my forehead.

He got out of the truck and came around to open my door, and helped me out. He grabbed my hand to where we were holding hands. We walked up to his family. "Scotty!" His mom hugged him, and he let go of my hand. "You must be Tenley?" His dad touched my shoulder. "Yeah I'm Tenley, and your Michael?" He nodded. "It's nice to meet you." I proclaimed, I stuck my hand out to shake his but he pulled me into a hug. Once he let me go, Scotty introduced everyone. "Where Ashley and Trent?" Scotty asked. "Oh um he'll be here in an hour or so, he had to go see him parents." Michael told him.

We all walked in the house Judy and I were talking, while Scotty and his dad were carrying the bags. "So Tenley how old are you?" Judy had asked me. "I'll be seventeen in June." I kinda gulped. "So you two are five years apart, this relationship is illegal. You're still a minor." She said calmly. Scotty walked in, "Mom it's okay, her parents granted us permission. We're not going to sleep together either, we're waiting till shes eighteen." Scotty explained, his mother nodded.

Scotty was showing me around the house, where everything was. We got to the second floor, he showed me his parents room, Ashley's, the play room and his room. It was so cute, he had a full size bed, had pictures of his high school prom hanging on the wall, and his boarder around the room, was the avengers theme. "It's so cute in here." I had said. He just laughed, "Yeah my teenage self was quite the decorator." I giggled. I looked around and looked at all the pictures, when I came to one, of a girl and Scotty kissing at a baseball diamond. "Whose this Scotty?" I asked.

"Oh before I had left for Nashville, I was engaged to that girl. Her name's Courtney. The baseball diamond has very special meaning to me, and I took her there and she wanted a picture so we had an old man take that for us." He explained. "How come you've never told me you were engaged before?" I asked.

"Well because I'm dating you. And I love you. And with her I didn't realize what love was, then I met you and I knew, my heart grew ten times the size and the only thing I ever think about is you." He babbled on. I shut him up with a kiss, "I love you but sometimes that cheesy stuff gets annoying." He chuckled. "Well then I'll take that as a hint to shut up!" He laughed again.

"Scotty you know better, open that door right now!" We heard Michael yell from across the hall. I went and opened up the door, "You naughty boy." I pointed my finger at him. I changed and put a pair of Jean shorts and a white tank top on, and Scotty changed into khaki shorts and a regular T-shirt we went back downstairs.

Scotty's pov-

Tenley and I went back downstairs, hand in hand. We stepped into the kitchen when I heard a scream from outside and saw my sister running towards the house. "Where is he?" Ashley had asked, with Trent slowly behind her. She ran into to the kitchen and jumped on me, "You're home!" She yelled in my ear. I picked her up and hugged her tight, "I missed you Ash." I whispered in her ear. Trent walked in and saw us hugging, I put her down.

Trent walked over to me and shook my hand, "How ya doing Scotty?" He asked.

"I'm doing just fine. And you? Taking care of my big sister?" I looked at him and asked.

"I'm doing great, knowing I'm marrying this girl in a few weeks. And yes Sir I am taking care of her." He smiled at Ashley and kissed her cheek.
"You must be Tenley?" Ashley went around me and hugged Ten. Tenley hugged back.

"That I am." Tenley said, "Scotty your family sure does like hugs." Ten giggled. Ashley let go of her and said sorry, while laughing. "Kids lunch is ready! Michael get your butt down here!" Mom yelled from the kitchen. The four of us Ashley, Trent, Tenley and I walked in towards the dining room.

*Two hours passed*

After we all ate dinner, we were in the living room laughing and catching up. They loved Tenley, it felt like she was already a part of the family. She told my family funny stories from her childhood and told them about her family. My mom and sister showed her pictures of me when I was a baby and child, which included naked bath pictures and me dressing up in cowboy clothes acting like Willie Nelson.

I could tell Tenley was getting tired and I was beat so we said goodnight to everyone and went upstairs to bed. Tenley was in the bathroom washing her face and brushing her teeth, while I stripped to my boxers and put on basketball shorts. "You know today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." She came out after finishing in the bathroom. "They really like you!" I told her. She changed into her pajamas and climbed up on the bed. We cuddled closer together and fell asleep.

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